We. Broke. Up?!? pt.3

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Z- he will be fine. I promise

Y/n- what shall we do

Z- i will get Corbyn so he can stay with you for a bit while Daniel, Jonah, Eben and I will go find Jack

Y/n- we are leaving tomorrow. Its 9:45 p.m

Z- we still have to look and give it a try. Im not leaving him here

Y/n- neither am I. I have to come with you

Z- you will stay here. You need to stay here and try to contact him and if he comes back you need to be here

Y/n- ok fine. Im going back to my room then. Tell Corbyn i will be in there

You go back to you room and try to find your skateboard. You look all round the hotel room until you remembered it was in the bus.


You run out the door and then bump into Corbyn and he stops you.

C- woah. Why are you running? Where are you going?

Y/n- the bus. I need to go to the bus. He could be there

C- we checked

Y/n- well its worth a try also I still have my skateboard in there

You both go down to the bus and look for Jack and your skateboard. You go over to your bunk and see Yours and Jacks skateboard you pick them both up and give Jacks to Corbyn.

C- y/n why are you giving me this

Y/n- we need to find him. If anyone is gonna find him its me

C- ok but fast

You both skate to the places where you and Jack went while you were there. You tried to get in touch with him multiple times but he didnt respond. It turned 1:30 am when you and Corbyn got back to the hotel.

D- where have you been?

Jo- the girls left ages ago. There back in LA. You were ment to go with them

Y/n- i was gonna go with you guys and Jack in the end

Z- lets just go to sleep

Y/n- but hes-

C- hes gonna be fine

E- we promise

Y/n- ok. Zach can you stay with me for a bit

Z- yea of course

You all say goodnight and you and Zach go back to your room. He sits on the sofa and you get into bed. When you fall asleep about 25 minutes you wake up to Zach sleeping on the sofa. You get up and go down stairs to the hotel lobby and go to look for Jack again. Half an hour later you hear a name coming from behind you.

??- Y/N

Y/n- huh

You turn round to see Jack


Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now