PREGNANT... Sisters

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Y/n- they found out...

J- huh. Whats do you mean by that.

Y/n- someone posted a video of us.

J- ok... Of what?

Y/n- everyone know that im related to Brooklyn.

J- wait how?

Y/n- when we were just skating. Someone recorded us when i was telling you about Brook.

You start to panic but Jack reassures you.

J- just stay here i will go talk to Brooklyn and you dont have to worry its not that big of a deal

Y/n- you cant tell her.

J- Shes gonna find out anyway. Dont worry its fine. Your dad wont do anything and its better that everyone knows so you dont have to keep it a secret from the world.

-Jacks P.O.V-

J- stay here im gonna go get her.

I got up and went into Brooklyns room.

B- Jack what are you doing here?

J- a fan found out that you and y/n are sisters.

B- wait, WHAT? My dads gonna kill me for telling her

J- hes gonna do nothing. And i will make sure of it. Hes not gonna hurt you. Hes not gonna hurt the girls. Hes not gonna hurt the boys. And he is DEFINITELY not hurting y/n shes my one love.

B- aww Jack thats cute. But anyway we better go back to Y/n. Shes probably freaking out.

J- also we might not have to tell the others. The video y/n found has 200 thousand views already.

B- ok lets just go back in before she gets a panic attack.

-end of Jacks P.O.V-
(Y/n P.O.V)

Brooklyn and Jack walks into your room.

B- hey why were you freaking out over everyone knowing that's we are sisters?

Y/n- because you said that our dad will-

You get interrupted by the others barging into your room.

C- you

R- and


G- are

Z- PREGNANT.... I mean sisters

Its quite short and not that important to the story but i forgot to post and this was the only one i had ready.

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now