A day with Zach

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This chapter is sort of a shout out to my friends, Alice, Evie, Paige and Seren

Z- PREGNANT.... I mean sisters

Y/n- i was about to say

J- anyway you guys know now everyone knows now-

B- dads gonna kill me


B- ok i do kinda believe you

J- Exactly. So everyone go while me and y/n watch a movie

R- or do something else

They all look smug and wink while laughing. They all leave and you watch a movie until you fall asleep. You then wake up and everyone gets ready for the next show.

- skip to the end of the Europe tour because im lazy XD -

J- going home tomorrow

Y/n- aw thats sad

J- whys that?

Y/n- because this was one of my favourite tours. Because i got to meet you and find out what its like for someone to love me back like i love them.

J- aww your too cute

Y/n- anyway what you wanna do today?

J- well i was going out with Corbyn, Daniel and some of the girls. I know Jonah and Brooklyn might be doing something together. I think he has a crush on her.

Y/n- probably. Anyways im probably gonna go and see if Zach wants to go shoping with me or something.

J- ok see ya later babe

You kiss him and then knock on Zachs room.

Y/n- Zach open the door


Y/n- you doing your hair

There was an awkward silence

Z- maybe

You wait outside for a few seconds then Zach opens the door.

Z- hey

Y/n- hi. Can i come in?

Z- yh of course. So why are you here?

Y/n- well everyone else was doing something and i was bored so i was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something.

Z- yh why not i have got nothing else to do. Where you wanna go?

Y/n- we could go shoping? We are in Birmingham so why don't we go to the town centre
( I know this isnt how the tour actually went and most of the time line is messed up but i wanted them to end the tour in Birmingham as i live there)
Z- yeah its lit there all the boys went down the other day. Well im gonna get dressed you do whatever you want

Y/n- k im gonna probably message some fans. See there reaction

You post on your Instagram story while waitng for Zach it get ready


Z- so where we going then

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Z- so where we going then

Y/n- finally its been 5 years. Some fans said to go the bull ring. Its only around the corner

Z- k i'll call the uber. It will be here soon

The uber arives and you and Zach go into Birmingham.

Y/n- where we going first?

Z- we could into the main part

Y/n- the bull ring?

Z- yeah. I think it might be over this way

Before you could start to walk you hear a voice from behind both of you.

??- Zach? Y/n?

Z- huh

You both turn around and see 5 girls standing behind you both.

Y/n- hi?

??- dont worry we arent stalker or anything.

Z- who are you then

??- im the peson who said that the bull ring is a good place to go. We went to your show last night.

The kids looked quite young but still not that young so they could be out on there own.

R- im Ruby

E- im Evie

P- im Paige

A- im Alice

S- and im Seren

R- its Welsh

A- for star

Y/n- okkk

Z- anyway could you guys show us round

R- of course

Z- so whos your favourite member? Hint hint

S- mines Jonah

P- mines Daniel

A- Ebens my soulmate so

R- mines Jack but dont worry Y/n im not gonna steal yo man

E- mines someone

R- its you

Z- me?

E- yea

Y/n- anyway where should we go

A- vans

S- Disney

P- build-A-bear

E- Debenams

R- My nan lives there

Z- ok...

Y/n- any where else

They laugh

All the girls- Selfridges

Z- why dont we go Disney then debenams then food then vans then Selfridges and if we have time we will go build-A-bear

To be continued

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now