We. Broke. Up?!? pt.1

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Z- it hasnt. Nothing at all has been going on. I saw Kay and you know how that ended. I didnt know what to so i asked y/n to help me. I decided to say that she was my new girlfriend but she knew about you two. So she asked me to prove it so... I kissed her. Im so sorry bro. I know it was wrong but i didnt know what to do. I didnt mean it. She didnt mean it. Dont take it in the wrong way

J- fine. But y/n you are not hanging out with Zach on your own again and Zach your not hanging out with y/n on your own again.

Y/n- fine

Z- fine

J- come on we gotta get ready to go back to LA.

Z- see ya y/n

Y/n- see ya

J- goodbye Zach

Zach walks out and jack sits next to you on the bed.

J- tell me

Y/n- huh

Jack stands up and looks at you

Y/n- Jack tell you what

J- were you cheating on me... With my Best friend.

Y/n- no-

J- how long y/n. How long have you been cheating on me.

Y/n- I WASNT CHEATING ON YOU. Zach needed help because Kay was there. I didnt know that she was going to make us kiss or that Zach was actually gonna kiss me. Its not cheating if i dont actually love him. I love you.

Jack was silent

Y/n- Jack

J- why didnt you just say that before. Im sorry. I overreacted.

Y/n- its fine lets just get ready

You and Jack both get packed then go and watch tv. Then he broke the silence.

J- do you think someone saw

Y/n- huh what do you mean?

J- what if someone saw me shouting at you and Zach? What if they saw you and Zach kiss?What if they thought we broke up? What if they recorded it?

Y/n- your overreacting

J- i dont think i am

Jack got up and droped his phone. He walked over to the door without saying where he was going. You go and open the door to see where he went you didnt see any sign of him. You go back to the sofa to call Jack when you find his phone left there. You pick it up and look at his screen.

Y/n- he was telling the truth...

Im Sorry // Jack Avery ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now