Decision decided

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I finally decided to sign th contract. If i was meant to be a singer than it will happen in the future. I'm not gonna give up a offer like this. Everyone finally let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks this means a lot to me" she says. "I think it probabaly means more to me" i say. She lets out a giggle. "So lets get started on recording this baby" she says. I laugh. "Sure" i say. We head to a building. I get handed a guitar i start to play it. Then after they recorded just me playing we jump to singing. I start to sing and mess up. Demi comes in. "It's alright your doing good just calm down and sing with emotion" she says. She gives me a smile before she walks out. I finally manage to not mess up and put all the feeling i have into the song. Demi comes in and gives me a huge hug. "That was great" she says. "Want to hear how you sounded?" she asks. "Yeah" i say following her. She plays me singing with the guitar in the background. "WOW" was all i could say. I sounded awesome. "Do you want a copy of you singing?" she asks. "Yeah" i say i had to show this to everyone. "Okay Nick bring the money over here" she yelled over to Nick. "He came up to me with a breifcase of money and a disk wich i was guessing was me singing. "Bye" i said and waved to them as i left. I finally got home and screamed my ass off. Everyone came running to where i was. "What happened did she buy it" Natalie asks. I nod my head and jump around with her. Harry grabs the breifcase and looks inside. "How did you get all this money" he asked giving a weird look. "DEMI LOVATO" i say or more like scream. "What" Harry says. I run into the living room and put the disk into the cd player. "I sold a song to the Demi Lovato" i say. "Yeah i got a picture with her" Natalie says. The music starts playing. "Is that Demi?" Harry asks. "No thats me" i say. All of there jaws drop. "What?" i say looking at everyone. "Im calling everyone my daughter is famous" my mom says reaching for her phone. "Im not famous and techincally its not my song anymore" i say correcting my mom. "Whatever im still calling" My mom says walking away with her phone. "This is so good for you"Harry says pulling me into a hug. "So how much money?" Harry asks. "50k" i say trying to act casual. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TEA THAT COULD BUY YOU?" Harry says. "Harry stop being british" Natalie says. "Your just jealous that i'm british and your not" Harry says trying to do a hair flip. "Fail" Natalie says laughing. 

**Harry's P.O.V**

Lauren was right i had to go after Niall. I wasnt going to let him go easily. Why did i have to kiss Natalie? I was drunk and made the stupidest decision in my life. I knew what i had to do. 


I went with Zayn and Natalie to starbucks. "Two Carmel Frappe's and" i look over to Zayn. "Tea" he says. "Oh no your becoming one of them" i say. "I already am" he says. I sigh. "Two Carmel Frappes and tea" i say. We wait a couple of Minutes and get our drinks, we head out to the car. He sips on His tea While I drink my Coffee and handed Natalie her drink. "I'm praying for you Zayn" I tell him. "What, Why?" He asks confused. "You got tea!" I told him. "Because i like tea." He says. "Your too British" i tell him. He just Laughs. "Hurry up british boy and get in the car" i say from inside the car. 

**HARRY'S P.O.V.**

I walk up to Nialls house with a liter of Sprite and some oreos his favorite snacks. I knock on the door. "What do you want?" he asks with attitude. "Im sorry" i say. He grabs the soda and the oreos and shuts the door. "Niall please talk to me" i say through the door. "Theres nothing to talk about we are done" he says i could hear hurt in his voice. "Please just hear what i have to say" i say tearing up. He comes out and his anger drops a bit probably because im crying at this point. "Niall i love everything about you ,I love your smile. I love the way you laugh uncontrolably, I love how you stuff your mouth with food and have no shame at all, I love everything about you because you are my everything" i say. At this point we were both crying. "I love you Niall and i am ashamed of what i did to you so if you dont want to take me back i understand" i finish wiping my eyes. "Of course I will take you back Harry" Niall says while Running into my arms. I'm Glad I Have Niall Back. I'm Never going to make a dumb Mistake again, I already Lost Niall Once, I don't want to lose him again.

**Lauren's P.O.V**

we are almost home, Zayn is almost done with his Tea. Natalie fiished her coffee. Natalie grabs my coffee from my hand. "Hey! Give it back!" I tell her trying to reach for my coffee. "Fine" She hands me the finished cup. "Your buying me a new cup of coffee" I told her. "I dont owe you nothing" she says cockily. "Whatever" i say as we reach my house. "So why did you do it?" i say dramatically looking at Zayn. "Do what?" he asked. "Drink the TEA" i say faking a cry. "I cant help it its a addiction" he says rubbing my back. "Its me or the tea" i say. "The tea" he says smiling. I playfully shove him. "Rude" i say. "Okayyyy" Natalie says giving us weird looks. We get to my house. "So has my dather told you how she is famous" My mom says to Zayn. "What?" Zayn asks confused. "Oh i forgot to tell you duh" i say. I am so stupid sometimes. We all sat on the couch. "So you know the song i sang at the talent show" i say. Zayn nods. "Well Georgia posted it on Youtube and The Demi Lovato saw it" i say. "No bloody way" he says. "Its true ill look up the comment" Natalie says scrolling through her phone. "And she was interested in buying it so i met her and i signed the song over to her" i say. Zayn has his Jaw open."Found it" she says showing Zayn the comment. "I got a picture with her too" Natalie says. She shows Zayn her phone again. "Wow that is AMAZAYN" he says hugging me. "So did you get anything out of it?" he asks. "50k" i say. "Oh wow that is awesome" he says giving me another hug. "Demi looked so hot too" Natalie says. We both laughed. "Wait are you Lesbian?" i ask. "No im just saying" Natalie says. "Okay Letsbeainst" i say under my breath. Next thing i know Natalie is trying to push me off of the couch. After a couple of minutes of trying to push me off the couch she finally stoped. "The struggle of being a white girl" she says laying on the ground dramatically. We all laugh. "I have to go" Zayn says looking at his phone. "Bye" he says giving us both a hug. "Wait" i say. He looks back at me. I point to my cheek. He smiles and comes back to give me a kiss on the cheek. "I have to go to before i get grounded, just kidding i probably already am" Natalie says. I laugh. "Zayn can you drop her off?" i ask Zayn. "Yeah sure" he says looking at Natalie. "Okay then now i get to be a loner and watch tv by myself" I say. "Wait! before let me get on my new dress I have!" Natalie says running up the stairs. after a couple of Minutes she comes down in a Navy Blue dress. "You Look beautiful!" i tell her. "Thanks, Oh and I borrowed your Flats is that fine?" She asks. I Nod and they both wave goodbye

**Natalie's P.O.V**

I get into Zayn's car and tell Him where do drop me off at. We arrive at the Home."Thanks Zayn!" I yell as I run out of the car. he drives off. I walk inside. when i got inside, everyone was helping cook Dinner. "Hey guys!!" I say as I put my backpack down. "Natalie... You Look beautiful, I've neer seen you in a dress" Jesy says while the Girls surrond me. "Hey! Boys doesn't she Look Pretty?!" Jesy says pushing me towards them. "Yeah i'd tap that" Brandon says. I blush while everyone laughs Except Louis, Everyone starts making perverted jokes about me. "Stop, it's not Funny" Louis says while walking off. "Whats his probem?" Brandon asks. "I don't know..." I tell him. I go after Louis. I find him on the porch on the swings. I sit down next to him. "Louis, what happened in there?" I ask him. He looks at me for a couple of seconds. "Natalie, You Look Nice.... And I don't like them making jokes like that about you" he tells me. "But why? Not like you care anyways" i tell him. "Natalie, I do care.... because, I like you" he tells me. I couldn't believe he just said that. "Oh.." I say almost throwing up. I get up and go Inside. Dinner is done. I make my plate and start to eat. I catch Louis staring at me a couple times. "When we all are going up the stairs Perrie stands next to me. "What was all that about?" Perrie asks. "What?" i say trying to pretend i dont know. "How Louis had a freak out and he was staring at you the whole time" she pulled me into are room and said. Almost triping i said "I dont know hes weird". "I can tell when someone is lying" she said pointing to fingers to her eyes then to mine. I laugh. "One of the signs" she says. "Tell me" she says hoping onto her bed and putting on a pouting face. I grab my pajamas "Night" i say going into the bathroom. "You are no fun" she yells over the door. I change my clothes and go to bed. Thinking about my worse enemy. Louis.

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