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Yoongi was in his chambers pacing back and forth waiting for Jin to arrive. "Sire". Yoongi hears from the door. "Enter". The door was opened and Jin walks in. "Jin, I was waiting for you". Yoongi grins. "My apologies Sire, I was making Hoseok some breakfast". Jin bows.

Yoongi grins when he heard that. "Is he eating now?". Yoongi asked. "Yes Sire". Jin smiled and Yoongi was pleased with that answer. "Excellent". Yoongi said. "Whatever you made for him, make sure you make it again, I don't care if you make it a million different ways, just make it". Yoongi orders. "Very well Sire". Jin bows. "Oh by the way, I found the perfect puppy yesterday for Hoseok". Jin said.

Yoongi was beyond happy about that. "Really?". Yoongi asked. "Yes, you should have seen him, I'm sure he was the best one in the shop". Jin replies and Yoongi grins. "I'm pleased Jin". Yoongi nods at him. "Thank you Sire and since I'm here, would you like breakfast?". Jin asked. "No". Yoongi shook his head and Jin huffs. "Too bad I already make it". Jin leaves and pushed in a cart.

Yoongi pinches his nose. "Jin". Yoongi said. "I don't care, now eat and besides Queen Alibe is here to see you". Jin smiles. "Great". Yoongi stats. "I'll get your things ready". Jin bows and exits the room. Yoongi sighs and starts to eat. Jin will know if he didn't and that made Yoongi shake his head. "Let's just get this day over with".

Jin was escorting Yoongi to the only person that Yoongi calls a bother and chuckled to his self. They stopped at a door and Jin knocks on it. "My Queen". Jin said. "Enter". A women's voice was heard from the inside. Jin opens the door and let's Yoongi go in first. "Alibe". Yoongi says when he enters the room.

 Yoongi says when he enters the room

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"Its been a while, Yoongi". Alibe giggles and Yoongi bows. "No need for that Yoongi, we are friends, are we not?". Alibe stands up and walks over to Yoongi. "Why exactly are you here Alibe?". Yoongi asked. He knows that she's only here for something. Alibe laughs. "I know what you're thinking and I promise you that you're wrong". Alibe says and Yoongi raised a brow at her. "Have you had any missing people disappear from your Kingdom?".

Yoongi was caught off guard with that question. "Missing?". Yoongi asked. "In my Kingdom, four people went missing without a trace and no one knows what happen to them". Alibe says looking out a window. "No one is missing here, not that I know of". Yoongi replies and Alibe hums.

"I knew you didn't know this". Alibe sighs and Yoongi looks at her. "Know what?". Yoongi asked and Alibe turns and looks at him. "Yoongi, a man named Jung Hoseok went missing two years ago in your Kingdom". Alibe said while shaking her head sadly.

Yoongi looks at her unfazed. 'Hoseok isn't missing, he's with me because he loves me'. Yoongi thinks to himself. "How do you know that?". Yoongi asked. "I heard a man asking people if they seen him when I came here". Alibe replies. "I see". Yoongi says. "So I asked the man how he knows Hoseok and he said that was his fiancee".

Yoongi grinded his teeth at the word fiancee. "I never heard of anything like that before". Yoongi lies to her. "I figured as much". Alibe sighs. "Do you think that all of this is connected?". Yoongi asked. "I don't know but I do know that who ever is doing this they have a type". Alibe said. "Type?". Yoongi says and Alibe giggles. "Yes, the people that went missing from my Kingdom either had a bubbly personality or a sweet person".

Yoongi grins at the word bubbly. "And according to Hoseok's fiancee, he was a very bubbly and bright person". Yoongi hums. "I'll tell my soldiers to double up at night and you should do the same Alibe". Yoongi told her. "I already did that, I was just here to warn you before someone else goes missing". Alibe said getting her things. "I'll be back next week, I'm going to the Laroon Islands, see you soon Yoongi". Alibe smiles and leaves the room.

"Should I do that now Sire?". Jin says walking in the room. "Please, I don't want no one in this Kingdom throwing a bitch fit, call Jungkook". Yoongi said. "At once". Jin bows and walks out.

"You called?". Jungkook walks in asking and Jin hits him. "It's fine, I'm used to it". Yoongi chuckles. "But Sire...". Jin says and Yoongi raises his hand silencing Jin. "And besides Jin, he needs my permission to go near Taehyung, isn't that right Jungkook?". Yoongi's dark voice made Jungkook gulp. "So-sorry Sire". Jungkook bows.

Yoongi knows that Jungkook has a huge crush on his brother. "What do you need my lord?". Jungkook corrected his self. "I need you too send more soldiers out at night, there's been missing people from Queen Alibe's Kingdom and I don't want shit happening here". Jungkook looks at him. "Missing people?". Yoongi nods. "So make sure that my dumbass brother doesn't leave the Castle".

Jungkook wanted to tell Yoongi off for calling Taehyung a dumbass but he kept quiet. "Yes my lord". Jungkook bit his cheek and leaves. "Jin". Yoongi seats down. "Sire". Jin answered. "The cake?". Yoongi glares at him. Jin forgot all about the cake because of the pet shop yesterday. Jin had to do what he hates in a person, lie.

"I found a bakery that makes wonderful layers cakes, I placed a order for a citrus cake". Jin bows hating his self for lying. "Citrus?". Yoongi repeats. "Yes, a orange and lemon cake, it's bright and vibrant like Hoseok". Jin replies. "Wonderful!". Yoongi claps. "And when will it be ready?". Yoongi asked. "By Monday, I will pick up at night so Hoseok can see it in the morning when he wakes up".

Yoongi nods is satisfaction. "Very well done Jin, have the rest of the day off". Jin widened his eyes. "With all do respect Sire, as your body guard I can't do that". Jin stats. Yoongi huffed. "You can and you will". Jin straighten his self at Yoongi cold voice. "Of course, my apologies". Jin said. "Good you may go Jin". Yoongi ushers Jin out of the room and he listens.

"I can't wait". Yoongi says grinning happily.

The King's toy (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now