John Wall x Damian Lillard

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I was walking around trying to find where I parked when I ran into someone.

"Oh sorry" I said looking up. I looked right into the eyes of John Wall. I felt my stomach flip and I bit my lip. Damn he's hot I thought to myself.

"Oh Dame long time no see" John said and I nodded and smiled.

"Oh yeah" I said and I ran my hand over my head. "I mean since we last played each other" I said and he nodded. "What brings you here during the off season" I asked him.

"Oh nothing much" he said "just needed to go somewhere and I decided to come here." I nodded and looked down.

"Why you here" I asked him "like at the mall it's not a common place to be if you visiting."

"Oh well obviously I was going to get some fresh new Dames from foot locker" he said smiling and I rolled my eyes even though I wish he was serious.

"Yeah yeah sure" I said and he laughed and shook his head.

"Naw I was just walking around I mean I've got I thing else to do." He said.

"Wanna come over to my house" I asked him quickly and I instantly regretted it. He shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah sure" he said and I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Ok see you soon" I said and he nodded. He turned around and I remembered I had to tell him where I lived. "Oh John" I said and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah" he said and he turned around. I let my hand stay on his shoulder a little longer than I should have. He glanced at my arm and I jerked it off of him as if I had just been stung by a bee.

"I'm uh sorry" I said "you know where I live right" I asked him and he nodded. "Oh ok I just had to make sure." He smiled and nodded and I felt my knees go weak. "Ok we'll see you soon" I said and he nodded and turned around and walked off. I found my car and I got in and turned it on. I pulled out and drove back to my house. I ran around and straightened up real quick. I threw all my clothes in my closet even though we weren't gonna be in my bedroom and I did a few things around the house. Usually I kept my house pretty clean but I had to make sure it was super clean when he came over. I sat down on the sofa and played my phone. I checked Instagram and saw Hohn power a picture of himself shirtless on the beach and his shorts were hanging dangerously low. I guess I was lost in my thoughts cause I got jerked out of them when I heard the doorbell ring. I set my phone down and answered the door. "Oh hey" I said when I saw John standing there.

"Hey" he said smiling and I let him in. We went and sat down on the sofa. "So" he said slowly "you wanna do something" he asked me.

"Yeah sure" I said and he nodded. He stood up. "Wanna go to the beach" he asked me.

"Weren't you just at the beach" I asked him and he smiled and nodded.

"You keep up with my Instagram" he said and I nodded. He smiled and shrugged. "Yeah but the beach is nice."

"Yeah I haven't been in a while" I said.

"Well if Damian Lillard the person who lives here hasn't been to the beach in a while then we have to go" he said sarcastically. I laughed and shook my head.

"Alright then I guess we'll go" I said. He smiled and looked a me. I couldn't look him in the eyes though, I'd get lost in them. I always get lost in them, his perfect brown chocolate eyes, that's probably why I always do bad when I play against him cause I'm either looking at his eyes or something else. He smiled and I felt a smile spread across my face. "Do you have something to wear" I asked him.

"Oh shoot I forgot about that" he said and I laughed.

"I might have something you can wear" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah that's be great" he said and I went upstairs and went through my drawers.

"Hey come up here" I yelled down to him and I heard him jogging up the steps. He came through the door and I threw a pair of shorts at him. "Try these on" I said.

"I can change here right" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah I don't care" I said "my teammates change in front of me all the time your not gonna make a difference." As soon and he slipped his shirt off I realized what I had gotten myself in. The person who I can get hard from just looking at one of there pictures on Instagram is about to be naked in front of me. I bit my lip when he slipped his shorts off. He had on a tight pair of underwear and he slipped those off to. I felt my eyes drift down to his huge dick. "Damn" I muttered. I mean I've got a big one but I didn't know he did. But how would I know that anyways I mean it's not like I've seen it before. I felt myself get kind of hard and I turned around and started to look for a pair for me to wear.

"Hey these fit right" he said and I turned around and looked at him. They fit perfectly, or at least I thought they did. They were a little tight at the front and I felt myself get hard.

"I'm Yeah there is there fine" I stuttered. He glanced down and smirked. How am I gonna change I thought cause obviously if I take my underwear off he's gonna know not saying it's not obvious cause it's kind of hard to hide a hard nine inch dick. I internally groaned. "Hey I think My pairs downstairs" I said cause I knew I had at pair downstairs. I jogged down the stairs and I walked into the bedroom. I groaned and leaned against the wall. "The things he does to me" I said "god I wish he could just be mine." I heard a knock on the door and I jumped. I grabbed the pair of shorts from the drawer and I changed into them. "Yeah" I said.

"Can I come in" I heard John say. I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Oh yeah" I said and I glanced down and I wasn't hard. He walked in and I smiled. "Hey" I said and he smiled.

"Hey" he said and I saw him start to smile. I saw his eyes travel down my body and stop right at my pants. I smirked and walked out and brushed his shoulder on the way out. I went to take another step but I felt his hand on my wrist. I turned around and looked at John.

"Yeah" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said "I uh are we gonna go" he asked me.

"Well yeah" I said "I thought that's what we were doing." He nodded and smiled. I started to walk towards the door but I didn't hear him behind me. "You gonna come" I asked him.

"Mmm Yeah" he said quietly while looking down. His eyes got huge and he looked up at me. "I'm sorry I was uh thinking of something else yeah I'm uh coming" he said and I smirked. I went to turn the handle to the door but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and I felt his lips on mine. I smiled and kissed him back. He bit my bottom lip softly and I moaned.

"Mmm John" I moaned lightly. He stopped missing me and stepped back.

"I'm uh sorry" he said nervously and I smiled.

"It's fine" I said smiling "you don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you." His head shot up and he looked at me.

"Really" he said and I nodded. "So you wouldn't mind if I kissed you again" he asked me and I shook my head.

"No I would love it" I said and he smiled. He pulled me closer to him and he let his hand trail across my face and his thumb played with my bottom lip. "Mmm John" I moaned and he smiled and lightly pressed his lips against mine.

"Mmm your lips feel just how I always thought they would" he said and I smiled.

"You've wanted to kiss me" I asked him and he nodded.

"I've wanted to kiss you since I first played you." He said and I smiled.

"Would it be crazy to say I love you" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No I wouldn't be crazy at all" he said and I smiled.

"Well John Wall, I love you."

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