New years special

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Btw before I start this is a college AU

I watched as all the players talked in there 'cliques,' as I would call them, and joked around at the party. Most of them have been friends since childhood so that's what causes them to hang out together, that's what causes me and Paul to hang out anyways. We met in sixth grade and have been friends ever since.
Currently I'm at a New Years party, with some of the players throughout all the D1 schools, and I'm waiting for Paul to show up. He was late, as usual, but that's not a surprise he's always late.

"Hey Donovan" I heard Damian say as he jerked me from the thoughts. I turned around to face him and he motioned me over to him. Obviously I walked over to where him, CJ, John and Bradley were standing. "When's Paul gonna get here" he asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know he's always late" I said and he laughed and nodded.

"He better get here before the new year" CJ said and Dame glanced at him and smiled.

"I bet he had something planned" John said and he winked and me and I rolled my eyes. They all wanted me and Paul to get together since they all were dating someone from the group and me and Paul were the only two left. Plus we have been friends forever so to them it made sense that we would date. Not going to lie though, it made sense to me as well. I mean why would I wanna date Paul, he's literally the perfect person. We've also known each other forever so it's not like we'd have to learn everything about each other and start the relationship new, we'd just have to find a way to turn our friendship into a relationship. That can't be hard though, there are a million ways you could do that.

"Thinking of Paul" John bagged and I shook my head no.

"Y'all we don't wanna date each other" I said "were just friends and we're perfectly fine staying that way." The thing is, I may want to be a little more than friends, but he doesn't want to be. I don't blame him though, why would he want to date someone like me anyways when he could have someone ten times better. Paul's not gay either, a person like him isn't gay. You can't be perfect and be gay.

"Looks like the man of the hour finally showed up" Bradley said and I glanced up at saw Paul talking to Jimmy. I felt my lips tilt into a small smile when I saw him and I felt a light blush creep on my face.

"Aww Donovan's happy Paul's here" Damian said and I looked away from him and he chuckled. I watched him walk up the stairs in the house with one of the cheerleaders and my smile turned into a slight frown. "Jealous" Damian asked me and I nodded slightly and he smiled.

"I mean no" I said quickly when I realized what I had done and all three of them laughed.

"Yeah right" CJ said and I smiled and shook my head.

"Just stop" I muttered and John smiled.

"Stop what" John asked me as he wrapped his arm around Bradley.

"Stop picking on me because of Paul" I said and he laughed.

"We're not picking on you" he said and he kissed Bradley quickly. "We're just telling you the truth" he finished and I shook my head no.

"See I don't want that" I said pointing at them "I don't wanna feel the need to kiss whoever I'm dating n the middle of a conversation with my friend." John burst out laughing and everyone around us looked at him and Bradley his his shoulder and he put his hand over his mouth.

"Trust me Donovan, when the right person comes you'd kiss them wherever and whenever." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to check the time. 12:55. Paul has to come see me before the new year right. I am his best friend anyways, he would want to be with me, not fucking a cheerleader upstairs.

"Worried Paul's not gonna come" CJ said and I nodded slightly and he smiled. "He will trust me" he said "he wouldn't miss the new year with you." I nodded slightly and I let my eyes scan the crowd again. My eyes landed on Paul and I watched as he rushed down the steps and looked over the crowd till his eyes landed on me. His face tilted into a smile and he hurried through the crowd over to me.

"I'm sorry" he said once he had reached me out of breath. "I had it all planned that I was gonna come in here at this time and that I was gonna find you with like thirty seconds left but I got here to early and then I walked to Jimmy and then I lost track of time while talking to an old friend and I should've came earlier." He said between breaths since evidently he was tired from running through the crowd. I heard some of the people staring to count down the last ten seconds of the year.

"Shhh Paul" I said, trying to get him to stop talking and to calm down. "It's ok your hear now and that's all that mat..." I was cut off by the sound of everyone saying happy new year and the feeling of his lips against mine. I gasp slightly before I completely melted into the kiss. He let his arms snake around me, one was on the small of my back while the other was tangled in my hair, pressing me into the kiss more. He pulled away slowly and I felt my lips tilt into a smile. "And that's all that matters" I whispered and he smiled. He pulled me closer to him and I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

"Im guessing you don't mind this" he said after he had pulled away and he left his arms wrapped around me. I shook my head and he smiled.

"No" I said softly "not at all."

"Good because..." he got cut off again, but this time by John.

"Not gonna say I told you so" I heard John say and I rolled my eyes.

"But I am!" I heard Damian exclaimed and I smiled and turned around and Paul wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back against his chest. He rested his chin on my head and I smiled slightly. "I told you he liked you" Damian said and I rolled my eyes.

"And I told you he had something planned" John said and I laughed and I looked up at him.

"You did have something planned didn't you" I said softly and he smiled and nodded softly. I laughed and he leaned down and kissed me again.  "Happy new year Paul" I said and he turned me around so I was facing him.

"Happy new year baby" he muttered as he pressed his lips against mine again.

Hey guys!!! I'm finally back into writing. I really enjoyed writing this and I decided to post it a few hours early. Anyways thank y'all for reading!! Have a great day/ night!!!

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