Damian Lillard x Kemba Walker

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Damian's POV

I remember the day like it was yesterday, the day I kissed Kemba and met my girlfriend. I was drunk, out of my mind drunk, and that's what made me make the two biggest mistakes of my life. The first mistake was kissing him, and the second was taking Michelle home with me. I watched as she packed up her things and I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. I'm almost glad she was leaving, I mean she cheated on me. It's not my fault and I didn't really love her anyways, I mean I did when we first started dating, maybe the first two months we were together but I haven't loved her for the past year. I sighed when she finally left.

"I need a vacation" I said and I pulled out my phone. "Where should I go" I muttered. I looked up the best places to go and decided on the Bahamas. I called and made my reservation at the The Ocean Club and I got a three bedroom villa. I sighed and called my private jet pilot and told him to be ready tomorrow. I leaned back and sighed. "I need this vacation" I muttered. I got up and packed and thought about it for a second. "Maybe I should go tonight" I said. I called the pilot again and told him to be ready in an hour.

Kemba's POV

I groaned as I saw all the texts she was sending me. She's being desperate and it's getting really annoying, cause there's no way I'm gonna let her back in my life after she cheated on me. I was gonna tell her to stop texting me but I decided blocking her was easier. I leaned back on my couch and looked at the TV. There was a commercial for a cruise on.

"I need a vacation" I muttered and I knew just where I was gonna go. The Bahamas. I called the guy who flys my jet and told him to be ready in an hour cause I was gonna be there soon. I went upstairs and packed a bag and went back downstairs. "Shit I need a hotel room" I muttered. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and booked a room at The Ocean Club and since I've been there before they knew that I wanted a three bedroom villa. I turned all the lights off and made sure everything was unplugged and off before I walked out and locked the door behind me. "Goodbye old life" I muttered. That's why I need a vacation, to put my old life and past behind me and move on. I got in my car and drove to the airport. I was getting my bags or when someone spoke behind me.

"Hey Kemba" I heard someone say and I turned around and saw the pilot.

"Hey dude how's it going" I said and he shrugged.

"It's going" he said "I haven't flown someone all off season yet." I nodded.

"Guess I'm your first" I said and he nodded.

"What you gonna do in the Bahamas" he asked me and I handed my bag to the person who puts hem on the plane.

"I don't know" I said "just chill and stuff." He nodded and glanced at the plane.

"If you wanna get there before tomorrow you better get on so we can go" he said and I nodded. I got in and I sat in the back like always. I felt the plane take off and I leaned back in my seat and sighed. "Bahamas here I come" I muttered. A long time later I felt the plane land and I jerked awake from my sleep. I waited for the plane to stop before I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Hey thanks for doing this on short notice" I said and he shrugged.

"No problem it's my job" he said and I nodded.

"See you in a week or so" I said and he nodded. I got off and got in the Uber they had called. They dropped me off and I gave them a tip. I walked in and was looking around by when I glanced at the check in desk someone caught my eye. "Damian Lillard" I muttered. I bit my lip and looked at how perfect his shirt fit him, how it was right around the shoulders and arms and his chest but not anywhere else. And how he had one hand on the desk and was leaning on it and even though I couldn't quite see all of his face I knew he was frustrated. I walked up to the desk and he looked at me and looked back at the girl behind the desk but then he looked back at me. Like a major double take.

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