Not an update but you can read if you want

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It's my second Christmas here Houston! I'm two Christmases closer to getting to come back and live with you again. I can't wait for you to welcome me with open, loving arms and tell me you missed me. I can't wait to get to walk those streets again and know I'm never going to leave. I can't wait to get to call you my home again. I can't wait to get to go back to all the old places that I used to go to. I can't wait to wake up Christmas morning and know that no gift is better than the one I'm living. There is no greater gift than getting to live in Houston again. There is no greater gift in this world than waking up in that city. I can't wait Houston, I can't wait. It may seem like a long way away, but I'm getting there. It may be a while, and I know college will make it even longer, but I'll come back. I promise I will, if you'd save a place for me that would be great. I don't need to tell you that though because I know you will. No matter where I am I know there will always be a place for me. It's like when your child leaves to go off to college, you leave there room the same because you know they'll be coming back. You know I'm coming back on day Houston, you know that, so God has allowed you to save a place for me. I don't know where it is, only God knows that, but you've saved me a place. You've saved me a place to live in my home so that one day I can return like I've been living there my whole life. So that I can come back home and know that I'm never going to leave again.

I'm sorry y'all, Christmas (and holidays in general), tend to put me in depressed moods because it makes me miss my old life. I know what I just wrote is probably the most stupid thing you will ever read but to me it means something. It helps me cope to know that I'm gonna move back one day, and that there is already a place saved for me. This is probably stupid and I shouldn't have posted it on here, but it just makes me feel better to know that other people know what I'm going though. I makes me feel better to tell someone without having a face to face conversation with them. Anyways you don't even have to read this, and if you do I'm sorry, I just wrote that on my own and felt like I had to tell someone.

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