Chapter 1

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This is a small side note, in this AU they are in their last year of highschool.


"Ah shit, what time is it?" Sal rolled over on the ground. He had stayed the night over in Larrys room.

"Shit! Larry get your ass up or we are going to be late!!" Sal flipped his blankets off him and tripped over Larry who was laying on the ground. "Fuck Nugget! Get your lazy ass up!"

Larry groaned and rolled over, asking for five more minutes.

Sal got up and went to the bathroom to change. He got dressed in the bathroom and looked at his arms. Scars, all up and down his arm. He sighed a bit then changed shirts. They were old and all but he doesn't think anyone really knows about it.

It takes him about ten minutes to change and get ready, Lisa wasn't home because she had to go out and fix something for David so she left a note saying for them to fix themselves some breakfast.

Sal walks back into Larrys room to see he is still asleep, so Sal goes and grabs his Walkie and Larrys Walkie and puts them next to each other then holds down a button and the Walkies start making a screeching sound that wakes Larry up.

"Holy fuck Sally! I'm up! Turn that shit off man!"

Sal smiles under his mask and turns it off. "Larry, we are going to be late, come on already!"

Larry nods and changed right there in front of him, Sal knows he shouldn't be bothered about it, but he is. But it's not the bad bothered. More like, Holy-Fuck-Someone-Help-Me-I-Keep-Staring-Holy-God.

"Hey dude? Are you ok? You haven't said answered?" Larry was waving his hands in Sals face and he nodded.

"Yeah, what was the question?"

"I asked, if you were ready to go?"

"Yeah I am, let's go."

Larry nods and we walk outside. Larry isn't allowed to drive since he is reckless and Lisa fears for Sals life sometimes when Larry drives. He would say his dad is afraid, but his dad is a drunk who cares about nothing but making his life hell when they're around each other.

Sal and Larry both shared and ear piece as they walked to school, playing Singular. Slightly head banging a little and then both laughing. They listen to Sanitys Fall for a bit before getting to school . Sal and Larry take out the ear pieces and goes to put their bags in their lockers. Todd walks up to them with Ashley by their side.

"I am surprised the two of you made it here on time. Barely, but on time nonetheless."

"Come on Todd, cut them some slack. Senioritis is painful."

"Yeah, atleast Sal and I even came today. We could just stay home."

Sal nodded and rolled his eye. Atleast that's the only thing they could see him doing. They were having a nice little chit chat and then the bell rang. Todd and Ashley went off to class while Larry and Sally went off to their first period. Science. It totally sucked. Sally got there before Larry because he needed to go to the bathroom. So Sal went to the back and sat down. It was peaceful, but only for a short amount of time because a hand was slammed on the table.

"Well if it isn't Sally Faggot. Where's your little bitch of a boyfriend at huh?"

Fucking Travis. He really has nothing better to do.

"Fuck off Travis. Go be a prick somewhere else," Sally didn't really want that; he didn't want Travis to be a prick to anyone really but it was just in his nature. Travis looked really pissed and was about to say something but then he walked off after hearing the door open.

Locked In (Sally x Larry) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now