Valentine Chapter

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"Dude, this is stupid." Larry said as he walked around the hall.

Larry, Sal, Neil, Todd, Ash and Zhaen all decided to go on a cruise since they were out of school. It hadn't ended yet so technically they were all still seniors, but they had finished their exams and didn't necessarily need to go back to school for a few weeks. So why not spend it on a boat?

"It's not stupid. It's romantic." Ash said as she came out of her and Zhaen's room. Larry and Sal were in Tux's with Neil and Todd. Though Larry thought Sal would look better in a dress, but he was only joking.

Ash was wearing a purple dress with a black choker. She fixed her hair so it wasn't in her face and she actually looked good. She was always wearing something purple, but this was just...different. And beautiful.

"Zhaen! Come on! You are taking for fucking ever!" Larry went to bang on the door but Zhaen opened it and he fell forward.

"Larry!" Sal called but Zhaen caught him and smiled.

"Dude, you are going to mess your suit up and Sal planned for this so much. Try not to get it ruined."

"Gee, thanks Zhaen. I am fine." Larry rolled his eyes and Sal walked up and took his boyfriends hand.

"You look great Zhaen. You too Ash." Sal said. Ash blushed and Zhaen nodded.

"Thanks, you guys all look good too. Really digging the blue tux Larry. Thought Sal would've worn it. But he's in black."

Larry shrugged, "Yeah, I tried getting him to do a more flashy color. You never know, he might look good in orange." Larry smirked.

"Oh no." Zhaen said.

Larry took a deep breath and yelled, trying to break a little something, "LE WINK FUCKING WINK NUDGE LE FUCKING NUDGE!"

"Dude, you are going to piss them off." Zhaen said.

"Who?" Sal and Ash said at the same time.

Zhaen rubbed the back of her neck, "Noooo one?"

"Fucking, they blocked me in! It's too strong!"

"It's a Valentine's Special too." Zhaen sighed in disappointment towards Larry, "Couldn't be normal for one fecking chapter Larry."

"Who are you talking about?" Todd piped in.

"The guests on board." Zhaen lied, "They are going to lock us in our rooms if we don't stop being stupid in the hall. Come on, they are going to start the party on the deck if we don't hurry. We will never get in if we are late."

Zhaen led the way and they all followed her. They made it on time as they made it to the top of the boat and looked around. It was warm and smelled of salt water.

"Just in time. Now we can either split up or-" Zhaen didn't get to finish her thought as Ash pulled her in one direction to dance, Neil and Todd went to go do their own thing and that left only Sal and Larry.

"Well than. Should we help her?" Sal said and Larry just picked Sal up.

"No way dude! This is our chapter of love!"

"Chapter? Ohhh like metaphorically? You are such a fucking dork Larry."

"Right. That. Yes. Anyways, let's go get food."

Sal and Larry go and party and eat. Dance for a few hours but stayed away from alcohol. This was a booze free time. Nothing was going to ruin this perfect date. Well, it was basically a date with hundreds of other people who were too tired to function or stupid drunk.

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