Chapter 25

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This focuses on Zhaen while she's in the hospital

When Larry was in the hospital:

Zhaen stood behind Larry. She was confused. She could see herself "sleeping" on the hospital bed. She could see herself breathing. But at the same time, she was standing next to herself. She almost cried while Larry was talking to her. She didn't know what to do. How would she reach out to them if Sal wasn't able to get through. Also, she means no offense, but she didn't think they would be smart enough to even think she was out of her body but still alive.

She had watched him pull up a chair and sit next to her. She saw all of it and heard everything he was saying. 

"....We don't think you are stupid enough to fall out of a window." He laughed to himself. Zhaen laughed with him. She could tell he was really trying. 

Zhaen wanted to tell them what happened. She wanted to tell him about the demon and Todd. To tell him that it wasn't Todd's fault. 

"....We just need you in general." Larry said. Zhaen hugged him. She could actually touch him. She felt his warm skin with her cold touch. She also felt Larry jump. She didn't mean to freak him out so she let him go. Zhaen watched as Larry looked around. He looked confused but it didn't stop him from continuing to talk. He shrugged it off and kept going. 

Zhaen watched as Larry watched the heart monitor. This gave her an idea. Anytime he would talk to her, she would do everything in her power to up her heart rate just a wee bit.

"Zhaen..." Larry started. Zhaen nodded behind him and held her breath as she made her heart basically skip a beat. Kinda like something you would do if you were embarrassed or liked someone. She didn't like Larry like that, he was more like a brother if anything. 

Zhaen saw as Larry's eyes had widened at the heart rate change. He asked if Zhaen was ok and her heart skipped again. She thought she was doing a good job till something dark grabbed her. She tried breaking free as she thrashed herself around. 

"So you can hear me?!" She heard Larry say. She tried focusing on the heart monitor but the dark figure kept whispering something into her ear. She didn't understand it but her body was reacting to it. She looked over at Larry and was getting upset.

My chance to make contact is slipping!

Zhaen reached her hand out to her body and touched her own hand. Then the thing disappeared and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Le feck meh." Zhaen said to herself. 

She watched as Larry cupped her hand with his own. He was going on about some sentimental stuff. It made Zhaen all teary and she sniffled. She was standing next to him and quietly cried. She knew she could sob and be as loud as she wanted, but she still wanted to just quietly cry. It made her feel like less of a bother. 

"What the hell is happening" She heard Larry say. She looked down and saw a few of her tears had landed on his arm. He looked around and looked a wee bit confused. Zhaen decided to hug him from behind,

"Larry! Help me, please!" Zhaen yelled. But Larry still couldn't hear her. Or see her. But she knew he could feel her because he reacted to the hug. But it was interrupted by Larry's mom walking in. She didn't know her name so she was just labeled as 'Larry's mom.'

Zhaen let go and watched as Larry walked to the door. He looked at her body again before turning to leave. She shook her head. She wasn't ready for him to leave yet. She needed more time with him.

"I'm right.." Zhaen started as she grabbed Larry's wrist. She knew for that split second, that he could see her because he looked startled and ran into his mom.

"Here!!" Was the only thing he heard before she was yanked back into the Halvens by the shadow that had been following her around since she arrived at this hospital.

Zhaen watched as Larry left. Within the short time she has been here, in the state she is in, she has learned that she is currently in a Halvened state. Which is why, where she is, is called the Halvens. She isn't dead but not alive. She is free to roam around the Spiritual World just as much as the Real World. 

Zhaen was yanked back by the shadow and thrown to the ground. There was a loud THUD which caused Larry's Mom to look around the room.

"Must be those damn pipes again." She said as she left the room.

Zhaen had gotten up, only to be thrown back down on the ground. She felt no pain because anything she was touching? Wasn't in the dead space. The only thing that could hurt her was the other things in the dead space. Like this shadow for instance. She didn't know what would happen if her soul was hurt outside her body, but she didn't particularly want to find out.

So Zhaen ducked down and away from the shadow. She ran out of the room and very quickly had fallen to her knees. Breathing heavily. She can't be out of shape. She hasn't even been running. She fell backwards as her vision got blurry. She heard beeping coming from the room her body was in and saw doctors rushing in. 

She lays on the floor and looks up at the ceiling. She hears a voice.

"You have to get back, you can't leave."

She looked around to, faintly, see a small figure standing besides her. It was a small boy with bright blond hair and a round face. He looked normal but he could touch her. How did she know this?? Well, he lifted her up and dragged her back to the room where her body was. The beeping subsided and the doctors all walked out. Thinking they fixed whatever the problem was. 

"You can't leave your room for very long."

"Wh-Who are you." Zhaen said as her vision slowly came back. She shook her head and looked around. The boy was gone.

"Guess I will be in here for a little while longer." She said as she sat on the ground, contemplating on what the hell just happened. 

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