Chapter 5

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Larry had taken his moms car keys and was shaking. With both fear and anger. He knew who was responsible as soon as he heard the dog and he swore he was going to kill him. Travis was so fucking dead to Larry. He calls Todd and Ashley and tells them what happened. Todd and Neil both drive to the school with Ashley and look around the front. 

The school was supposed to be closed, but Todd had a key because sometimes he would stay late after to study with a group of friends. They would stay late and then Todd would normally be the last one to leave. The school trusted Todd and gave him a spare key. It was finally coming in handy. 

Anyways, the three of them looked around the school. Sal told Larry he was locked in somewhere and Larry told those three but the whole school is locked up when the day is over. So it was going to take time to look but they knew Sal didn't have time. 

"Hold on Sal, I'm coming." Larry kept trying to call Sally, as if his phone was going to magically not be dead. 

> With Sal <

He heard the door, the hinges. They were coming out. He knew that any minute now, the dog was going to get in and get him. Sal wanted to cry but had no more tears. He was terrified and brought back so many things he didn't want to remember. Sal did the only thing he thought he could do and try to outsmart the dog who was staring at him and trying to eat him.

Sally took a deep breath before hopping over to the next stall and slamming the door open, hitting the dog in the face and causing it to yelp. He ran towards the back door thinking it'd be unlocked.

It wasn't. 

Sal started freaking out once he heard the dog growling and the door knob jiggling. 

"Ashley? Todd? This one is locked too." It was Neil. 

He ran around the dog, around the showers. He heard it's feet. He heard the paws pattering as it chased Sal. He had to find somewhere to hide, or get somewhere the dog couldn't get. He looked around as he ran and thought about the lockers, the top was flat and had enough space for him to sit up there. He would get up there and then call for them.

Sal started climbing the lockers and got his torso up when the dog bit down on his leg hard.

"Ahhhh!!!" Sal almost lost his grasp but held onto the lockers for his life. "N-Neil! Ash! Help me! Please!"

"Sally Face?! Ashley! Get Larry in here now! We need to get this door open! Now!" Todd and Neil were trying to break the door down while Ash went to find Larry.

Ashley went around to look for Larry, which she soon found. He was beating the shit out of Travis. She ran up to him and grabbed his arm before he could get another punch in.

"Larry! Stop it! He's had enough!"

"Don't fucking stop me Ash! He deservers it! He locked Sal up somewhere an-"

"AND WE FOUND HIM! Larry, he needs help!" At this point, Ash was crying and Larry had his eyes wide. 

"Lead the way."

Ash ran ahead and Travis laughed, "You can try to pin this on me Johnson, but you have no proof."

Larry punched him one last time before following Ash.

Larry got to the gym and saw Todd and Neil trying to get in the locker room. 

"Neil! Please! Hel-ah!" Sal was screaming and crying, he didn't think he could hold onto the lockers anymore. "L-Let go!"

Larry started working on the lock, "Who is he talking to?!"

"The dog, there's a dog in there Larry." Todd was shaken and Neil held onto him. 

"Oh god, I can hear it growling. Hold on Sal! We are working on it!" Ashley was sobbing as she feared for her friends life. 

Larry was beyond pissed but he was also afraid. He wanted to get to Sal before that damn dog did. Larry got the door open. 

"Ash and Todd! Hold the door open! Neil, come with me. We have to get that dog away long enough to help Sally!"

They all nodded their heads and held the door open. Larry was the first one in.

"Sally! Where are yo-" Larry saw Sally and Sally saw Larry. He was happy to see his friends. 

But, he lost his grip and accidentally let go of the lockers. The dog was kicked in the face from the fall, which caused it to release Sally's leg. He passed out from hitting his head on the bench. Especially after Travis threw him around earlier. Sal wasn't moving and Larry was afraid.

"S-SALLY!" Larry ran over and Neil soon after. "We have to get him out now!"

Neil nodded and both boys picked up Sally. They rushed him out with the dog chasing them not too far behind.

"Todd close the door!" They had gotten back into the gym and the door was closed and locked again. Both Larry and Neil were panting. Neil hugged Todd and Ash sat there staring at Sal, crying.

Larry sat next to him and shook him, "H-Hey, Sal. Wake up. Dude, come on!" Larry was crying now. Shaking Sal harder. "Fuck face!! Wake the hell up!" Neil had to stop Larry.

"Dude! Stop! He needs a hospital!" Ashley sat on the ground next to Larry as he hugged Sally's head. He just nodded as he held his best friend.

"Ash, call an ambulance now. If they ask what happened? Tell them we found him like this, ok? We don't have proof Travis did this," Larry looked pissed after Neil said this, "But we all know he did. We will talk about it if Sal wakes up."

"Once. Once Sal wakes up. There is no if, he will wake up. He has to." Larry sat there cradling Sal and Ash was calling an ambulance. Todd and Neil called animal control. 

The ambulance arrived and Larry refused to be separated from Sal, Neil had convinced them that they were related so Larry could ride in the ambulance with him. 

And so? Off they went. Sal and Larry in an ambulance. Neil, Todd, and Ashley all driving behind them. 



Also, there will be another update at 8:00 ok? SO don't stress too much, Sal should be ok, right???

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