Chapter 33

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Short Chapter [Play where recommended]

Ash had gotten to school early, or on time since the other two boys don't get here till late anyways, and she was feeling both tired and guilt. She didn't know why she was feeling guilty like she was, but she didn't like it. She had went to her locker and grabbed her books and put her backpack away. She looked at a few pictures of her and Zhaen in her locker and felt her eyes well up with tears.

"I miss her so much." She said. She closed her locker and jumped when she saw Todd behind the door.

"J-Jesus Christ Todd! You fucking scared me! Don't sneak up on people like that." Ash said, "Let's get going. We gotta get some science done before the teachers get here."

Todd just nodded and walked with Ash. Todd was still a sad, depressing, silent sack of emotions. Ash was still a pissy, tired, guilty girlfriend. Both friends feeling feelings they didn't wanna feel.

They both got to the science room and were quiet for a period of time. Then Todd spoke up. But it was a mumble.

"I didn't want to do it..." He said.

"What? Did you say something?" Ash said as she looked up from her notebook. Todd looked over at her and sighed.

"I asked how Zhaen was doing..." He said as he went back to taking notes. Ash rolled her eyes and had attitude with her answer.

"She's doing just fine. Why would you care? You didn't even go to see her yesterday."

"I feel bad Ash. Don't be so bitchy about it." Todd said in a monotone manner.

"I'm not being a bitch Todd. I was just saying because you were being too fucking depressed to get your sad ass out of bed. We all miss her Todd, so we all went to see her. But you, why would you though? You let her fall." Ash wasn't taking notes any longer. Todd had gotten up to sit at another table, "I was fucking talking to you Todd."

"I understand that you are hurting Ash, but being a bitch right now won't help Zhaen." Todd said and he heard a voice in his head. His eyes widened and he looked over at Ash, more like a glare.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" She yelled.

"You don't get to fucking yell at me! I didn't wanna go because I felt too bad to see her! You tried to fucking kill her last night." Todd was about to say something. He really had something on his mind and needed to say it.

"How do you know that?! It was an accident! You can't hold that over me!" Ash yelled back.

"So maybe she deserves to die!!!" Todd yells and the room falls silent. Ash wasn't sad anymore, she was more pissed than before.

"What the hell did you just say!?" Ash stood up and gripped her pencil bag.

"She deserves to die! She has done nothing for us! She has put us in more danger and you tried killing her yourself! I see we both failed at that!" Todd yelled back.

"I...I..." Ash yelled at the top of her lungs, "I hope Neil dies next so you know how it feels!!"





A notebook went across the room and hit Ash in the face. [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED]

"You wanna go nerd!" Ash throws a science book at Todd and it hits his chest. Next thing you know, they were throwing beakers at each other. Smaller ones, then the normal sized, bigger and bigger sizes. The first bell rang that officially opened the school and teachers and a few students came in. They tried to stop them. But the science teacher Mrs. Anders got hit by a chair and so did a few students.

They were escorted to the principals office as soon as a few extra teachers stopped by in an attempt to stop the hooligans.

"You two are both suspended!" He yelled, "For three weeks!"


Tis the end of the short chapter but I have an important question. Which is low key the only reason I updated today. So. Here.

I started a new story. Not really a story. New book. It's for any and all of my characters or OC's to have a conversation. I will make a group chat right? And at random times, I will take any text from that group chat and post it in the story. But first I need people for those characters. But since this is a Sally Face book? I need people who will be willing to be the irl versions of these people via texts. And since this is an AU, you don't have to be cannon. You can literally do anything you want.

So, here's the deal.

If you don't want to do this? I will find some other people, so it's no big deal :)

If you do? First one to comment on each name will get to play that person. I have one person in mind to be Zhaen, but that's only if 


Wants to. I low key assumed a gender because of the pink. It's 2019, I know, sorry~

Anyways. If they don't want to? I will add Zhaen's name. First come, first serve. But don't worry. I will be doing this for other characters as well. I will do it for my original stories and the other three fanfictions ok? I also have a creepy pasta story if you wanna try that. Anyways, here you go~







I understand that you may not like Travis, but if you wanna be a better Travis than go for it~

Lyfe loves chu~


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