Chapter 21

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The chapters will be split up. This one will be the same day but between Todd and Zhaen. The next chapter will be with Larry and Sal and all the....things ;), they are up to while Zhaen is busy almost dying. Enjoy~

In only a few more hours, Todd was going to execute his plan. The demon had a plan already. Todd didn't like this idea but he literally had no choice in the matter. While he watched Sal and Ash battle it out on Monopoly, by the way it's been two hours since they left to get snacks and Sal and Ash are still playing, Todd was sitting there thinking about what Neil would say. He knew that Neil would be disappointed. Hell, what if he left Todd?! It's not his fault. It was this damn demon. Todd was deep in thought about the situation, again, and Larry was sitting next to Sal. His head on the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Damn, you are too short." Larry said as he lifted his head off his shoulder and into Sal's lap.

"When you are too short for your tall boyfriend," Sal said as he rolled his eyes, "Sorry I can't control my height."

"It's ok. You'll be tall in a few hours. Zhaen bought me that conditioner earlier." Larry said as he looked up at Sal. He could see behind Sal's mask just a teeny bit and saw him get red.

"Y-You're so inappropriate!" Sal said as Ash landed on his property and owed him 2000$. 

"Yeah, but it's true. You can be on top cause I am too lazy." Larry said. He laughed and sat up. Pecking the muffin on the side of his mask.

"L-Larry!" Sal dropped the dice and went straight to jail, "Fuck! Now I won't get money till I am out."

"I am not sorry." Larry said. He got up and stretched. 

"I am glad he did that. Sal owns like 70% of the damn board. I was winning earlier, but not now." Ash took her turn and landed on Sal's property. He rolled his eyes then rolled his dice. No doubles so Ash took her turn again.

"Damn, I am glad we got out early. Right Todd?" Larry looked up at Todd and saw he was in a daze. "Todd?"

"What am I going to do?" Todd thought

"Yo, dude. Are you good?" Larry poked Todd's shoulder which made him jolt. Larry could've sworn he saw Todd's eyes flash red, "Dude, are your eyes ok?"

"M-My eyes?" Todd laughed, but it was weird, "Why wouldn't they be ok?"

Sal and Ash both turned their attention to Larry then to Todd.

"His eyes look fine fuck nugget." Sal said as he rolled. No doubles, "Feck!"

"Yeah, maybe a little red on the outside but it's probably because he's tired. I would too if I had to watch you guys play monopoly." Ash giggled and took her turn. She almost made it to her side of the board.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Larry got up and stretched, "You hang out with Zhaen too much Sal."

"Hm? How so?" Sal said as he took his turn, "For all that is hot and delicious-"

"Like me" Larry said as he winked and Sal rolled his eyes.

"Please give me a double!" Sal rolled and got doubles. "Sweet fucking Snack named Larry! A fucking double!" Sal moved his piece out of jail then face palmed, "But Ash is already on her side of the board. FECK!"

Ash giggled and Larry laughed.

"Again, Zhaen, you hang out with her too much. You keep saying feck."

"Yeah, but he said 'fucking' earlier and 'feck' when he said 'fucking' so maybe just a little." Ash said as she rolled and landed on chance. She had to pay for every hotel she had which made her sigh.

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