Chapter 27

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(Short-ish, chapter. I will make it as long as I can.)

Ash bought the flowers before they got to the hospital. Larry met his mom in the elevator and he waited. Zhaen was on the 3rd floor and Larry led the way. He was holding Sal's hand and kissed it every now and then, causing both boys to giggle and Ash to roll her eyes.

They all walked into her room and they looked around. The halls were very dim and Lisa was on the 1st floor at the moment. She was like reception, except she is basically in charge of everyone here at the moment. 

Anyways, Larry slowly opens the door to reveal a very passed out Zhaen. Ash's eyes water and she walks inside. She walks up to Zhaen and holds her hand. Tears rolling down her cheeks and onto Zhaen's hand.  Cupping her hand like Larry did before.

"Has she said anything? Or moved? Since you have been seeing her?" Ash said as she looked over at Larry.

He shook his head, "No. Her bed has been moved around and every time I ask the doctors or nurses about it, they have no idea who has been moving her."

"Geez Lar-Bear, that's some....useless....information you have given us." Sal said as he climbed on Larry's back, "Tired." Is the only word he said as he plopped his chin onto Larry's shoulder. Larry held Sal's legs and shrugged.

"Information is information, no matter how useful or useless it is. It's still information." Larry said as he walked over to Zhaen, he paused, "Sal, do you wanna talk to her after Ash? We can give them some time. We have all night." 

Sal nodded and Larry left Zhaen and Ash in the room.

Sal hopped off of Larry and led him to the car again. They told Lisa they were getting gifts for Zhaen. Which was half true. Sal put on a backpack. 

They went back to the third floor and Larry looked over at Sal.

"Did you bring the SGB?" Larry said as Sal pulled his bag around to his chest. He nodded.

"Of course, it's a hospital Larry. I wanna see what is happening. Who died, why they are still lingering; all that fun stuff."

"What about Zhaen?" Larry pointed to her room and Sal shrugged.

"She isn't dead right? So there's no need to investigate her room. I say we investigate the basement. That's where they used to store the dead bodies!" 

The thought of a dead, rotting corpse in the basement? It made Larry gag and almost throw up.

"Suuuch a baby," Sal said as he laughed, "They would normally cover up the bodies you dummy." He said as he stood on his toes to boop Larry's forehead.

"What was that for shortie?" Larry said as he picked up a giggly Sal.

"Not using your brain. Hopefully I just turned it on."

"Boop!" Larry said aloud as he poked the same spot, "Well, I think I just turned it off."

Sal rolled his eyes and they used to elevator to go down to the basement. When they got to the first floor, Sal thought it would be a better idea to use the stairs from the first floor down to the basement and that's just what they did. 

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