Chapter 23

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I have so many ideas that I will probably upload another chapter after this. No promises though. Zhaen's POV then I will switch it back to normal cause it'd be short chapter without it.

'W-Wait, no!' I thought


I had fallen just as lightning had flashed. I felt something wet on my face. It was light and it trickled down my cheek. I knew I was crying.

"Zhaen!" I heard someone cry out.

'Open your eyes, Zhaen, open them.' I thought.

But I couldn't. I couldn't open my eyes and I was having a hard time breathing. I couldn't feel anything at the moment. All I could do was think and listen. I already knew my left arm was broken from mere minutes before I had fallen. 

I heard someone crying. It sounded like...Todd. I knew it wasn't his fault but all I could do was listen.

"I'm so sorry, Zhaen, I'm so fucking sorry!" 

I heard his phone click on and him dialing someone.

'God, please don't call Ash.' I thought.

I built up the strength to say something.

"T-Todd..." I had opened my eyes a bit and looked up. It was raining. So I wasn't crying earlier. I moved my eyes to look over at Todd, and even tried to move my head. I winced and then started to cry a bit. I probably sounded like shit.

Todd looked over at me and kept telling me how sorry he was. How it wasn't his fault and he was getting help. I heard him yelling into the phone.

"Please! Help me! M-My friend!" He was both yelling and sobbing into the phone, "My friend fell out a window! She's going to die! Please help us!!" 

I couldn't stand looking at him like this. I knew it wasn't him. It didn't look like him and it didn't sound like him. It didn't act like him. I tried speaking but only got pieces, of what I was trying to say, out.

"...forgive..." I looked over at him.

Todd had heard me say something and turned his attention back over to me, "What?"

"I forgive...yo..u..." I wheezed out. I was having such a hard time breathing, but I was trying right now, "" I didn't notice I was staring at the dark clouds until I turned my head again to look at him. He nodded and I smiled. I tried laughing but choked and coughed. 

'It much...'

I croaked and ended up crying. I wasn't sobbing like Todd but I was still crying. I felt the tears stream down my face as it started to finally rain a little harder.

I smiled through my tears as I closed my eyes, I couldn't keep them open any longer as my vision had begun to get foggy and blurry.


I heard Todd yelling  at me. He sounded terrible. And distant.

Back to normal.

Todd had called Neil and was sobbing. Yelling at him to get over here right this instant. Yelling that it was an emergency. Todd contemplated on getting up and getting Larry and Sal. But he didn't. He just hung up on Neil and decided to call Sal.

Ring, Ring~

Todd looked back to see Sal and Larry. They walked out the front door of the apartments and Larry ran up to Todd. Sal standing at the door, staring at the limp and still Zhaen.

"Todd! Dude, what happened!" Larry ran over and skidded on his knees. He looked from Zhaen to Todd and back to Zhaen. Todd couldn't stop crying and Larry just grabbed his shoulders and lightly shook him, "What the fuck happened Todd!!!"

He just shook his head and pointed to the camera that was crushed next to her. Then he pointed to the top of the building. Larrys' eyes widened as he realized what happened.

"Did you call the police?! An ambulance! Todd!!" Larry let go of his shoulders because he felt like he was going to hit someone if he didn't get away.

Sal snapped out of his trance once he saw blue and red lights in the distance. He ran over to Larry and before he got a good view of Zhaen, Larry stopped him and hugged him.

"Sal, I love you, but you can't see that. It's not something you need to see." Larry said as Sal started crying. He looked over and saw Todd, he was yelling at Zhaen and telling her to wake up. Sal decided he wanted to help and pushed pass Larry. 

"Sal! Wait!" Larry ran after him and stopped a few feet away. Sally had stopped running once he got to Todd. He slowly walked towards the still Zhaen on the ground.

"Zh-Zhaen..." He fell to his knees and softly cried. Larry walked up behind him and went to hug the boy but stopped himself.

"Sal...dude...let's go..." He held his hand out and Sal shook his head.

"I'm not leaving her till she wakes up! We shouldn't have all split up, how did she even fall?! Todd??" Sal looked over at Todd. He was about to explain but Neil pulled into the apartments, followed by an ambulance and the police.

"Todd!! Answer me!" Sal got up and went to walk towards Todd but was held back by Larry.

"Sal! It isn't worth it! Stop!"

"Isn't worth it?! Are you fucking mental!? What the fuck did you do Todd!" Sal was yelling and thrashing himself around. Trying to break free from Larry. He slowly stopped thrashing and sunk back down to his knees. Sobbing into Larry's arms, "What did you do to her..."

Todd looked guilty and afraid. He said nothing as Neil ran up and picked Todd up. He pulled him away from the scene as the paramedics and police came in. They explained to the boys that she would need emergency transportation as they called in a copter. 

The police escorted they four of them away and back to the apartments. Sal and Larry were questioned. Or, Larry was. Sal couldn't stop crying. And when he did? He wasn't speaking. Larry had told them that they weren't here when it happened. They were doing their own thing around the time this happened. And they could check the security cameras on floors 1-4, because 5 didn't have one, to make sure his story checked out.

Next, Neil and Todd were almost questioned but Neil turned them down. Explaining that his boyfriend was probably traumatized by this accident and that they could interview him once he had calmed down a bit. The police agreed and went to investigate the scene while Zhaen was put in the helicopter and was flown to the hospital.

The four boys stood there. Larry and Sal were separated from Neil and Todd because Larry knew Sal would be angry. He wanted to know what happened just as much as Sal, but he knew that this was not the time to be violent. And that was a lot considering it was coming from Larry. 

"What should we do about Ash?" Sal quietly spoke up. He didn't look at Larry or Neil or Todd. He was just looking at the spot where Zhaen was laying earlier. They had her body drawn out on the ground. Which wasn't that hard, considering there was basically a bloody outline of where she had been.

Larry looked where he was looking and turned away. He felt like he was going to be sick but he shook her head, "I don't know...We have to tell her because she will find out either way..." 

"Yeah..." Sal looked, no, he glared at Todd. He knew he did something. But he didn't know what. It wasn't like Todd to do something like this, but it wasn't like Zhaen to just fall out of a five story window either.

Something was wrong here, and Sal intended to find out. With or without Larry. 

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