Chapter 6

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It's Friday now, it was Wednesday when they first took Sal to the hospital. Ash, Todd and Neil have been in and out to visit Sal. He was been passed out this whole time. Everyone was worried. But not as worried as Larry. He hasn't left Sal's room since he got there.

"Hey, Larry. You need to eat something. Come on, you're making everyone worried." Ash tried giving Larry a bag of food. He just shook his head and turned his head away.

"No way, I will eat when Sal can eat. He needs to eat." His eyes started getting watery. He just wanted his friend to wake up. He had so much to tell him. 

"Sal, dude, please. Wake up." He had gotten up from his chair to sit next to Sal's bed. He held his hand and cried. Ashley, Todd and Neil all left to leave Larry with Sal.

He took his phone out and turned on some Sanitys Fall but really really low. 

"Dude, listen to this. We listen to this all the time. Wake up so we can listen to it some more."

He saw that nothing was happening and put his phone way.

"Please, please. Sally Face, please wake up. I love you so much buddy."

Larry was like that for a few more hours. It was almost nine when he got up, he was about to finally go eat something when he heard the machines flat line. 

His heart stopped. He didn't wanna turn around. But he heard a thud sound. He turned around and saw Sal on the ground. He was holding onto the IV Drop Stand thing, I don't medical enough, and his face lit up. He ran over and hugged his blue haired friend.

"Oh my fuck Sal, I missed you so much man. You scared the living fucking day lights out of me!"

"L-Larry, ow! Fuck face! You're hurting me!"

Larry was crying but they were tears of joy, "I'm sorry man. Let me help you back up." He lifted Sal off the ground and set him back on the bed. This whole time, Sal had his mask on, he had tubes going under his mask and into Sal to help him breath easier.

"Sal, are you ok?"

"Dude, I should ask you that." He smiles "You're a hot fucking mess right now. When was the last time you fucking slept?"

Larry laughed and hugged Sal. He was so happy right now. "I missed your blue hair man. I missed your dorky voice, I missed you. I love you so much right now man."

"I love you too Larry Face. We all love you, even though you're an idiot."



"That's not what I meant man, like, I really love you. More than a friend and more than a brother."

Sal blushed under his mask and started crying. Also tears of joy. He just couldn't believe it.

"Holy shit, Sal? Are you in pain?! Are you hurting anywhere?"

Sal just shook his head and hugged him. "I love you too Larry. Even though you're a big loser and all, I still love you. More than a brother and more than a friend."

Larry hugged Sal back tighter than before.

"L-Larry! Pain! I love you but ow!"

Larry laughed and smiled, "Heh, sorry man. Hey, are you hungry? You've kinda been out for like three days? I think. I don't know. I haven't eaten since you haven't eaten. So I am discombobulated right now."

"Wow, big word Lar-Bear."

Larry playfully punched Sal and they both laughed. Sal nodded his head. He was really hungry, and thirsty. So Larry told him to stay here, a joke, and he would be back with some food. While he was out, he texted Ash, Todd and Neil. Telling them that Sal was awake. He was quickly texted back, being told that they would all come back tomorrow since it was late. Larry was going to stay the night with Sal again. There's no way he was going to leave Sal. Last time he left Sal alone, something terrible happened. He felt terrible that Sal had to go through that. 

Larry came back with Jell-O and a muffin for the muffin. And coffee with a donut for himself, 

"Alright man, I got soft foods for you because we don't know what you can handle yet an-" he was caught off guard by some light breathing. He looked over and saw Sal was asleep. He thought it was cute. He set the food to the side and went to find an extra blanket. He decided to lay next to Sal and he fell asleep. Sal moved around a bit and had put his head on Larry's chest. He thought it was cute and that this was heaven. He had soon passed out.

Sally was shifting around a lot more in his sleep then what was to be expected. Larry woke up to hear Sal was huffing and breathing heavily in his sleep. Whimpering and whining. He was going to wake him up but he heard Sal say 'Travis' and his blood started boiling.

"Travis...please...stop it..." Sal was crying in his sleep by this point, ""

That was it, he started lightly shaking Sal, trying to wake him up. Which he did. Sal woke up crying and breathing heavily. Larry just hugged him and told him it was ok.

"It's ok Sal, Travis isn't here. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Sal shook his head and Larry wasn't surprised. Normally Sal doesn't wanna talk about it.

"I-I will tell you once we get back to the apartments ok?"

"Ok, just lay here with me for now ok? We are going to try to think of good things only."


"By the way, my mom came to visit you earlier today. She was saying how she hoped you got better soon. She wished she could stay longer but my mom had work. And she assumed your dad had work too since he hadn't come to see you, like, at all. It's bad parenting, but if he's busy then he's busy."

Larry hadn't notice it yet, but Sal was crying. His dad really didn't like him so much that he didn't wanna see his own son in the hospital. Larry looked down once he heard the tiniest of sniffles. He kissed the top of Sal's head and rubbed his back.

"Hey, it's ok. We don't need your dad. You have me and my mom. Ashley, Todd and Neil. We are all the family you need Sal. We all love you and don't you forget it."

He just nodded and yawned. Larry went on a rant about music and how he almost killed Travis but Ash stopped him. But he still wanted to kick Travis's ass some more. This caused Sal to laugh but he eventually passed out. And there were no tears or nightmares after that. Just sleep. Larry was glad that he could finally sleep and fell asleep soon after Sal. 

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