Chapter 7

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It's finally the weekend. Saturday, to be more exact. Sal is out of the hospital and he is chilling in his room with Larry. There isn't much to do, but he feels like a burden because all he does is go to Larry's room. They never hang out with each other in Sal's room. But that's because there's nothing to do. So the boys are just sitting here, talking to each other.

"Hey, so where is your dad at?"

"Man, I don't know. He's probably just running some errands." Or drinking. 

"So, are we going to talk about the dream you had at the hospital or what?"

Sal sighed. That's not really the first thing he wanted to talk about, he was going to tell Larry at some point, but from what Ash told him at the hospital about Larry almost killing Travis? He was going to wait it out. It was probably a one time thing.

"You are so pushy Larry and I am going to tell you ju-"

"Pushy?! Really Sal, I just want to help you and you think I am being pushy?" Larry got up and walked to Sal's door.

"Larry, seriously. Stop being an ass for ten seconds so I can just tell you since you wanted to know so damn bad! It's the first thing you ask when I get back! So yes! Pushy! Instead of talking about something else and then eventually getting to that topic!" Sal was annoyed, he wasn't pissed like Larry obviously was. But he was annoyed. He normally wouldn't tell Larry something like this, just because Larry has his own problems and whenever Sal has a problem, he drops what he's doing just to help. It made him feel bad because, he loves Larry, but he wished he would stop sometimes and worry about himself.

"Of course I am Sal! You said Travis in your sleep. TRAVIS! Nothing good can come from that! He is the fucktard that locked you in the fucking locker room with that damn dog! So yes! I want to know what the hell the problem is so we can fucking fix it!" Larry looked beyond pissed. He would get even more, everytime he said the word 'Travis' and I can't blame him. But Travis has to have his own reason for doing this. 

"I was going to tell you regardless fuck face! If I tell you, are you going to beat the fuck out of Travis like you did Wednesday?! Ash told me all about it."

"Seriously? Is that what we are talking about?! Why are you defending him!."

"He has to have his own reasons for bein such a dick nozzle, you fuck nugget! As soon as someone beats anyone you know up? You immediately want to kill them! I get it, we are friends and all, but you can't just jump to violence like that! We have to have reason."

"Oh, I have reason. He. Beats. You. Up! What more can there be?!"

"You know what I mean, you are just being stubborn now..."

Sal looked away as Larry left his room.

"You are so fucking unbelievable Sal!!!" And at that, he slams the door to his apartment.

Sal slid to the floor, from his bed, and just sat there. This should be a reason why we don't hang out in my room. Sal lets out a long ass, big ass sigh. He checks the time. 

It's only 11:46, I'm hungry.

He gets up and limps his way out of his room. He gets a sudden spur of anger and slams his fist down on the counter then immediately regretting it as pain sparks up his whole arm.

"FUCK ME DAMN IT!!!!" Sal yells out of anger then gets upset and sits on the kitchen floor.

"I am just causing all these fucking problems." He cries, just sitting on the ground. 

>Le time skip<

It's now 4:30 and Sal hasn't heard anything from Larry. Just a bunch of texts from Ashley and Todd. They were all in a group chat, including Larry and Neil.

A: Hey! Larry is being an ass, what happened?
T: When is he not being an ass, Ash?
A: No Todd, I mean he is being more of an ass. He wanted to hang out with me today, which isn't weird, but I expected Sal to be with him.
T: That is weird. Sal, we can see you reading these texts, what happened?
A:That's such bullshit, Sal if you don't tell me what's up, I am coming over to your house and forcing you and Larry to hug it out till it's better.

Sal rolled his eyes and sighs. He just wants to go out and get snacks and sodas so he can metaphorically drown himself in food while he contemplates his life.

S: Fuck me, fine. Larry and I had an argument.
T: Oh boy, what was it about?
S: I called him pushy.
A: Wha-Sal. You can't just call your friend pushy like that.
T: Sal, stop talking to Ash like that.

S:I am sorry Ash, I am just so mad right now.

Which wasn't true, he was more sad then mad right now. But if he said that? Ash would have bombarded him with questions which he was not in the mood to answer.

S: Anyways, I am going out guys. I will be back later. Bye.
A: Wait, we have to talk this out.
S: And we will, just not now. I need time. And texting isn't talking. It's texting.
A: Ok, smart ass. We should all meet at the tree house later. To talk about it.
T:I can't, Neil is going to a party later and I have to go with him so I can watch over him.
A: That's even better. Let's all meet up with Todd. Or you can just tell us where it is.
T:I will text you guys the deets. Ashley you bring Larry because I know he won't want to come with Sal after their argument. Sal, be safe.
S: Yerp. 
A: See you guys later.

T: Bye

And like that, the text chat was silent. Sal got up off the floor and grabbed his wallet. He put it in his pocket and limped his way out to the elevator. Down and out the front lobby. All the way down to the 7-11. 

Thank heaven for seven eleven. Sal smirked a bit at his joke then walked inside.

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