Chapter 10

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Sal, didn't know what time it was, but he woke up to an alarm. He slept surprisingly well last night. He stretched and checked his phone. It was 7:20, earliest time he has ever woke up. He got up and saw Zhaen was still getting ready in her room. So he took a quick shower and was drying off when he noticed bottles. Lots of medication bottles sprawled out on the counter.

Zhaen knocked and Sal let her in.

"Are you done? I needed to take some things."

"Go ahead," He looked over and saw a bottle of Valium and picks it up, "I used to take these too."

She smiled and nodded, "Ah so you were looking at my dregs?"

Sal laughed at the way she said some of her words, but he knew she was just trying to be goofy.

"Yeah, I used to take it too. I stopped. I have meds for anxiety and depression. My supposed hallucinations. I know what I see is real, but no one else seems to think so. Everyone thinks I am crazy and what now." Zhaen smiled but it was a sad smile. Sal nodded. He knew that feeling all too well.

"Are you going to your apartments? You wanted to grab a mask right? I know mine is a little weird. I just wanted you to be comfortable."

"N-No! I am comfortable, it's very nice. I will wear it for now. Stopping by the apartments might make us late." 

Zhaen nodded and they both walked to school. Sal had asked her why she woke up so early. She told him that she used to wake up late, but because she hurt her leg, she thought waking up early would get her to school on time. And it did. But on the way they started talking about music and what they listen too. Zhaen said she listens to all kinds of music, but she isn't too fond of rap or jazz. Sal couldn't stop talking about Sanitys Fall. How much he would headbang with Larry. Zhaen giggled.

"You are so cute, Sal."

He blushed under his mask a bit, "Cute? Why would you say that?"

"Because, the way you talk about this Larry character? Your face just lights up. He must be someone special to you, no?"

Sal just nodded. Larry was his best friend. What happened in the hospital was just a little flirting, he didn't know if it was confirmed or not. Especially after what had happened last night. He didn't know what to feel. He basically challenged Larry last night and loss. He knew better than to do that.

They get to the school. Zhaen said she was going to go drop off her stuff at her locker. They talked about classes a bit before separating. Turns out he has about three classes with her, and they were the last three of the day. He would probably have known that if he didn't skip as much as he did. 

Sal walked up to his locked and put his bag in it. He pulled out a few binders and smiled. Zhaen seemed like a nice girl. He closed his locker and almost had a heart attack. Behind his locker was an overly excited Ash.

"So, who was the lucky friend last night?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're friend? The one you stayed the night with?"

"Oh, her. What about it?"

"Her? You stayed with a girl! Oh, Sal! I am so proud of you!"

Sal rolled his eyes and Ash just laughed. She poked the air next to his mask and giggled.

"Did she give you this mask? It looks good on you."

"Thanks, and she did make it. Last night, after Larry broke mine, I ran into her. Like, I literally ran into her. It was a mess. But she realized how uncomfortable I was and made me a new mask."

"Sal, about last night. You know Larry didn't mean any of that. He was just drunk and being stupid."

"That's not a good excuse, Ash. We are almost all adults. He can apologize to me himself, if he is really sorry. Also, that kind of thing doesn't just come out of his ass. He had to have thought that at one point. It may not be true now, but it's how he felt at some point in his life." Sal turned on his heel and walked to class. Ash felt a little bad and she saw Larry running. He was late again.

"Hey! Where's Sal? He didn't come back last night. I woke up this morning and he wasn't in his room or my own."

"Well duh, he didn't want to be anywhere near you after what you did last night."

"Aw, he should know I didn't mean it...fuck!" Larry punched his locker and sighed, "So where did he stay than? He couldn't have stayed in the streets, it was too fucking cold for that shit."

"Don't you read the group chat anymore?"

"Ash. I was drunk and tired last night. Do YOU really think I was going to check my phone?"

"I guess not, but here." She holds her phone up so he could read the texts. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Sal doesn't have any other friends besides us. What does he mean he stayed at someones house?!"

"Well, apparently he stayed at a girls house last night."

"A girl? Sal? You're joking right?"

"Wish I was, I really was hoping you would have asked him out by now. But guess not."

Larry was getting a little jealous. He was starting to get pissy and annoyed. "Pfft, whatever." And just like that, he walked to class. Which sucks for him because he has Science with Sal in first period and they sit right next to each other. Sad times. 

It was a very awkward class period. Sal was sitting there, waiting for an apology while Larry was sitting there being all pissy and jealous. Neither one of them talked to each other for the whole class period. Not in second or third either. When it came to fourth? Sal got up and moved to sit next to Zhaen. Larry couldn't see the features of the girl. Just that she had long brown hair. But he knew his hair was far more fabulous than some random girl Sal met off the streets.

"Pfft, probably just some bitch trying to make fun of him."

Sal and Zhaen talked the whole period. They even walked out together and were on their way to lunch. Zhaen had to get something from her locker and Sal decided to come with her. Larry followed them, quietly. He saw Travis and wanted to see what Sal's new girl friend could do to defend him.

Travis stepped up to Sal with a smirk, "I see you got yourself a new bitch. What's so special about her? Did your boyfriend finally get tired of you or something?" He laughed and Sal just ignored him. Travis picked Sal up by his shirt and looked like he was about to punch him. Larry was about to jump out when he saw Zhaen jump on Travis. He was impressed. She pulled his hair which caused him to drop Sal and push his back, and Zhaen, into the lockers. She let go and fell to the ground.

"Joey told me all about your confrontation with Rulen. So don't you think," He picked Zhaen up by the waist and dug his finger into her side, where her stitches were.

"G-Gaaahhh!" Zhaen started screaming and whining. Crying at that, and tried getting Travis away from her.

"That you can go up against me, girly." He drops Zhaen and walks off as a teacher comes out to see all the commotion. She smiled and told Sal to go eat lunch while she cleaned herself up. Sal looked worried and Larry didn't like that. He went into the cafeteria and sat with his friends. He saw Sal come in. And neither of the boys said anything to each other.

"So, Sal? What took you so long?" Ash looked over at him and smiled. He just huffed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just Travis being a prick."

"But, you look fine. Was he just being verbally abusive?" Todd looked just as confused as Ash and Sal just shook his head.

"No, my friend from last night? She took the beating. I didn't like it one bit. We knew he would be an ass to everyone, but putting his hands on a girl? That's so not cool."

They all nodded, even Larry. Sal saw and smiled under his mask. So he does care. 

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