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Jimin was relaxing under the umbrella close to his swimming pool slowly sipping his wine. He wanted to get a mild tan.

His Butler suddenly appeared beside him and gave him his phone.

"Young master, a call for you," He said.

Jimin lightly frowned as he wondered who would be calling him at this time.

"Who is it?"

The Butler sighed. "It's your father young master"

Jimin took the phone, already dreading the conversation he was about to have with the old man.

He heard his father's voice first.

"Jimin, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine father and mother?"

"She's doing good"

His father cleared his throat "Jimin, something has come up suddenly"

Jimin was curious "What could it be?"

"We are getting a new delivery on some new silver wares from Jeju island but we are a bit tied up with work here in Hong Kong"

Jimin groaned. This was the first time in a long time he was resting. He had had a lot on his plate this past week and decided to have the weekend off but now, his parents had to do this to him. He hated unplanned events. They made him feel irritated.

"Jimin ah, are you still there?" His father said after a while.

Jimin sighed. "Yes, I'm here...Alright Dad, I'll be there. When do you want me to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning!"

"Tomorrow morning?" Jimin gasped. "But it's too soon. I don't have time to prepare. I don't even know how long this shipment will take"

"You'll be fine Jimin, I trust you"

Jimin was quite shocked by that statement. This was so unlike his father. Come to think of it, his father never called him on any business deals. He never called. He only texted which made this conversation all the odder. Something was fishy.

"Appa, are you okay?"

"Yes son, I'm fine, why do you ask?"

Jimin shrugged. "Well because you are doing things you never did before. Calling and saying things like you trust me...."

There was an uncomfortable silence before his father's voice came up. "Is it wrong for me to call my only son? I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all"

Jimin was confused. "Right...."

"And son, make sure you use the ship. I have already taken care of all the arrangements"

"Ship? But I could use a flight. It's much easier and faster"

He heard a sigh. "Just do what I say"

"I see... " Jimin only said before deciding to end the weird call. "Alright Appa, I'll call you tomorrow"

"Bye son"

"Bye... " Jimin stressed it quite oddly. The call ended and he was uneasy. He called his father's line again but it wasn't going through.

He returned the phone to his butler and he took it away. Jimin couldn't quite place his finger but something was wrong somewhere.

Meanwhile, Kim Taehyung sighed for the hundredth time that morning. He stared at his phone, his finger lingering around the call button. He had gone crazy. He was totally mad but he couldn't show this side to his friends. They would laugh at him for loving his worst enemy Jimin. He was confused himself as to how it began but one thing was for certain. He wanted to see him, he wanted to listen to his voice. He wanted to hold his unbelievably small hands in his and take long walks. He wanted to kiss him again and again. He wanted to make him his. He wanted all of him. He wanted Park Jimin.

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