Sixty (Final Chapter)

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Fifty years later

Sunny Park Kim entered into the house carrying lots of bags in her hands.

"Daddy! Appa!" She yelled out in a loud voice as she bounced into the already Christmas decorated living room. Her second child with his boyfriend entered squeezing his face.
"Where are those old men?" He whispered.

"Shut it Yugyeom!" Sunny scolded her son. He just rolled his eyes leading his shy boyfriend towards the couch. She looked at her emo daughter dressed in all black with piercings on her nose and lips lingering behind the door pressing her phone in deep concentration.

"Will you keep that down?" She urged but the girl shrugged.

"Isn't Jungkook coming today?" Her daughter Amber whispered

"He has to take care of things at the company. He'll be coming with his girlfriend later" Sunny said and continued her search for her parents. Finally, she found them sitting in front of the balcony looking out the beautiful scenery of the island. They retired from the company business two years ago ever since Taehyung was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. They moved away from Seoul and parked into their vacation home located in this desolate village buried deep in the middle of an isolated island.

She had spent most of her growing up years here in this village mingling with her fathers' friends Chanyeol and Baekhyun's five adopted children. Though the Chanbaek couple had both since died at the age of fifty seven and six two respectively. She had fallen in love with one of their sons when she became a teenager and had eventually married him at the age of twenty three. Unfortunately, he had passed away too young when their last child Amber had been nothing but a baby.

But she took solace in her parents Daddy Tae and Appa Jimin. She would forever be grateful for the day she met them after her biological parents had died in a car accident and she was taken in by them and given all the love she would ever need.

She walked up to the two and enveloped them in a hug

"Oh Sunny, when did you arrive?" Jimin said looking at her fondly with a bright smile.

"Just now Appa. How is Daddy Tae?"

Jimin sighed looking at his husband sadly. "He's still the same"

Sunny swept past a grey hair blocking Taehyung's eye.

"Are uncle Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon hyung coming?"

Jimin sighed. "They might. Although Namjoon is still grieving over Jin's death. I doubt he'll come"

Sunny sighed. "But Kibum is coming right?"

Jimin took a deep breath. "That rascal. I don't know why Jin and Namjoon adopted him anyway. He's such a trouble maker. He has refused to settle down"

Sunny laughed. "Maybe he will eventually"

"Happy New Year!" A voice yelled out from inside. Sunny ran back to the living room to meet the owner of the voice. Mina. She was all grown up just like Sunny and was now an executive manager of Kim and Park investment and real estate company. Also, a single mother to twelve year old  twin boys she had birthed when she was middle aged. The voices of the trouble some twins echoed through out the house as they ran up and down. The women embraced each other.

"How are your moms?" Sunny asked.

Mina groaned "They couldn't make the long journey. They said it was too far but they sent their regards and of course some gifts" she said pointing to the wrapped presents on the table then Mina went to greet the ageing couple.

Jimin helped lead Taehyung inside the house and they where greeted by their friends and family. Sunny entered into the kitchen and returned with a big birthday cake. Soon everyone was singing the typical birthday song for Taehyung

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