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Did he just say he was an angel? Not only was this guy strange, but he was also crazy. Jimin burst out laughing, holding his sides in absolute amusement.

"You think I'm lying?" Jungkook said.

"You are crazy. How do you expect me to believe that you are an angel?" He snickered and continued "Maybe a magician but definitely not an angel"

In a quieter voice, he added "Angels don't exist"

Jungkook frowned unhappy with his attitude but he just cleared his throat.

"I'll just have to prove it to you then"

He closed his eyes and Jimin's skin started to crawl with tension when a sudden strong breeze began to blow around them. It escalated quickly and Jimin sank to his knees to hold himself from the winds as the waves blew around harsher, leaves flying about, trees shaking from their roots.

Jimin nearly fainted when he looked up and saw Jungkook with huge fluffy white wings and his entire body shining like a yellow torch. He smiled cheekily at a shocked Jimin as the ground beneath them began to shake. He ducked his head, quacking in fear. It stopped so suddenly and Jimin looked up again. Everywhere was back to normal including Jungkook and the whole place was now still. Jimin couldn't even stand and look at the angel. He had been so terrified and at the same time, amazed.

"Do you believe me now?" Jungkook said.

"How is....this even...possible?" Jimin choked out, lips trembling.

Jungkook held out his hand "Come on, get up"

Jimin hesitated but Jungkook pushed his hand further. He reluctantly grabbed it and stood up. He looked at Jungkook closely.

"You are an angel?" he whispered.

Jungkook nodded. Jimin raised his brows. "Do something else to prove yourself"

"Are you kidding me?" Jungkook whispered and sighed heavily. He clicked his hands and snow began to fall. Big, white, and fluffy ones. Jimin gasped and covered his mouth.

"You really are an angel"

"Well duh, I even showed you my wings, and still, you didn't believe me"

Jungkook clicked his fingers and the snow disappeared and Jimin looked at Jungkook in wonderment.

He shrugged. "But what are you doing here?"

Jungkook sighed again. "Well, I got into trouble. I'm an angel, a cupid angel responsible for making two hearts love each other but I lost my cupid on earth and I must find it within two months or risk losing my powers for two hundred centuries, getting demoted and locked away in a limbo prison"

Jimin shook his head "Hold on, hold on, I'm not getting any of what you are talking about"

Jungkook rolled his eyes impatiently. "Look around you, you and your friends being stuck on this island with your worst enemy and his friends wasn't a coincidence. The phone call with your father, the shipwreck, was all my doing. I did all of that"

Jimin couldn't believe it. "Wait a minute, you mean you caused all these?"

Jungkook nodded and Jimin fired up, he forgot he was an angel.

"You asshole! Yoongi almost died because of you, What gave you the right to do that?"

"I didn't have a choice. My cupid is lodged deep inside of Taehyung because he swallowed it that night at the party. It's the reason he started to fall in love with you"

Jimin backed away, his face dropped. "What are you saying?"

Jungkook ran his hands over his hair "What I'm saying is that Taehyung doesn't love you. All of these affections he's showing you, it's all because of the cupid inside of him"

Jimin stood there blankly. So Taehyung was indeed possessed by something, a love cupid. He didn't have feelings for Jimin. He still hated Jimin which means that all those kisses...Those words weren't from him. They weren't real. He felt his eyes sting with tears but he held them back and looked back at the angel.

"Just take it out of him"

"I can't"


"The cupid is an object of extreme love. Once it has been swallowed, it cannot easily be removed except by the opposite of love..."

"Hate" Jimin completed for him.

"That's where you come in Jimin. I thought by separating you two from your friends and leaving you both stranded on that island, you will open your heart to Taehyung but you are a difficult nut to crack"

Jimin stared at him as he continued. "Taehyung loves you so much right now. He can do anything for you, even sacrifice his life for you but the only way you can get the cupid out of him is to return his feelings then break his heart and make him shed true tears of pain for you"

Jimin shook his head "What? No, I can't do that. You want me to return his feelings? No way"

"It's the only way to get both your lives in order" He paused. "Just imagine if both your parents discover about his love for you. There will be war. Do you want that on your conscience?"

Jimin sighed. "Of course not..."

"Do this so I can peacefully return to heaven and everyone will go back to their lives. He just has to shed real tears of pain"

"Tears of pain..." Jimin mumbled.

"Everything is all stars and rainbows in that head of his but when you break his heart, all of that will disappear and the only thing he will feel is pain from losing you. The cupid will eventually disappear from his body and return to me"

Jimin bit his lips "But what if I fall in love with him?"

Jungkook scoffed. "Frankly, you two aren't meant to be like Baekhyun and Chanyeol. All they needed was a little push...."

Jimin gasped. "So you...."

He nodded proudly. "Yes...I was responsible for making them fall in love but you and Taehyung aren't meant to be so try not to fall in love or you are only going to end up getting hurt"

Jimin frowned at him. "You know nothing about people's hearts"

Jungkook just sighed. "Will you do it?"

Jimin! Jimin! A voice shouted meters away from them. They instantly recognized Taehyung's voice. Jimin turned back to Jungkook. "All right, I'll do it only for the sake of our families. I don't want any confrontation between them"

He took a deep breath "How long do I have until I break his heart?"

Jungkook crossed his arms "As of today, one month and three weeks"

"Alright then, I'll do it"

At that moment, Taehyung found them. "Hey, Jimin I've been searching everywhere for you"

His eyes were shining so bright just gazing at him.

"What for?" Jimin would have barked but instead, he faked a smile.

"You were looking for me? I was just talking with Jungkook"

Taehyung looked at him strangely but he nodded. "Okay, all right...."

"Did you have a nice discussion with Baekhyun?"

Taehyung smiled wryly and it made Jimin curious. "Yeah, we had a nice good talk" He turned round "Guess I'll leave you alone now"

Jimin held out his hand to him "No wait, let's go together"

Taehyung looked surprised by Jimin's action but then flashed his adorable boxy smile as he held Jimin's small chubby hands in his.

As they walked away, he saw a smirk appearing on Jungkook's lips. He was sure the angel thought this was a fun game but for Jimin, this was a risky game because the last thing he wanted was to fall in love with Kim Taehyung.

End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!

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