Thirty four

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"You crazy bastard!" Kim Taejun yelled in extreme anger as he threw a glass plate across the room. It landed straight on Taehyung's fore head causing immediate bleeding. The blood flowed from the open wound down his cheeks to his chin.

Kim Taejun was heaving heavily as he walked over to Taehyung and slapped him across the face.

"How crazy did you get that you had to do something like this? You have ruined everything!"

Taehyung couldn't move or react. He was already used to his father's abusive actions. But right now, he knew he had been truly crazy. He deserved whatever punishment he was going to get for going against his father.

"I'll destroy that boy Park Jimin and his entire family" his father growled, eyes shining bright with hatred

"I'm going to take care of it!" Taehyung blurted.

Kim Taejun eyed him. "And how do you intend to do that?"

"I'll divorce him right away. I have been drawing up the divorce papers with some lawyers. I'll send the documents to him and finalise everything!"

"You'll finalise everything? Are you really sure about this?" Kim Taejun said breathing heavily, sweat spreading all over his skin"I'm  sure father!"

Kim Taejun shook his head as his breathing calmed. "You better take care of it before your wedding which is in two weeks or I swear you will never hear the end of it!"

He grinned wickedly. "But for now, you have to be punished for your stupid mistake"

Taehyung gulped knowing what was coming next. He was immediately siezed by the guards and brought to the living room. He knelt down closing his eyes tightly as his father flogged him with his long whip till he was unconscious and his back was bleeding. When he awoke, he was back in his room lying face down on the bed with an aching back. Now more than ever, he had to get rid of Park Jimin from his life.

The next day, Jimin walked briskly towards his car. Despite all that has been going on, he still had work to do in the office. He couldn't shirk his responsibilities even though all he thought about night and day was Taehyung.

His phone suddenly rang in the inner pocket of his suit and he paused midstride to answer it.

"Hello!" He said.


His heart danced in excitement as soon as he heard his voice.

"Taehyung?" He muttered. He couldn't hide his own excitement at hearing his voice again but when the latter spoke again, it was full of detachment, devoid of the one who had once loved him like a mad man he was willing to take a bullet for him.

"I need to talk to you urgently. We have to meet"

"Is anything wrong?"

"Why would you even care?" He heaved deeply. "Meet me at the resort. One o clock sharp"

With that, he ended the call so abruptly. It felt like a stab to the heart but Jimin consoled himself with the fact that he could at least see him again and perhaps put his plan in motion. It was now or never.

He entered into his car. He was no longer interested in work but on Taehyung. He missed him. He craved his touch, his kisses but he knew he had to face reality. It didn't seem like anything was going to happen between them in the near future.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the resort. He parked his car and walked towards their favorite spot at the resort where they would secretly meet.

He released a tight gasp when he saw him. He was beautiful like always. His leg crossed as he sat waiting. But there was something about him that seemed different even when he turned his eyes and their eyes met, he could feel the hostility coming off of him but there was something else, a different kind of sadness he couldn't explain.

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