Forty four

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes now aware of the fact that he was wrapped around a pair of sturdy arms. Instantly, memory of yesterday came back to him and he found himself blushing hard.

Seriously, it hadn't even reached a week and he had sprouted those words from his mouth.

I think I'm falling in love with you

Then that kiss which had shaken him to his very core and the victorious look in Jimin's eyes. He was so embarrassed. Half of him wishes he hadn't given in so easily while the other half is relieved. He no longer feels that anger which was all consuming, making him go crazy. He feels calmer, more at peace like he is right where he belongs now, with Jimin.

He slowly turned around to face the older man. Jimin's arms slowly fell from his body as Taehyung faced him watching his beautiful sleeping face, his full lips slightly open as he took in calm slow breaths.

Taehyung unconsciously traced his fingers all over the outlines of the others face thinking, wondering how this man could captivate him like this. Why he feels so complete with him.

Jimin suddenly pouted in his sleep and Taehyung laughed thinking to himself how cute he is when he suddenly realized he was really hungry. His stamach was rumbling, begging for food so he started to leave when he felt Jimin pull him closer, wrapping his arms tightly around him so his face was inches away from his and their lips so close to each other.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jimin whispered still with his eyes closed. Taehyung found his raspy morning voice quite sexy and smiled a little bit before frowning.

"I just want to get something to eat..."

"Please stay just a bit more" Jimin muttered in a pleading voice. He slowly opened his eyes locking gaze with Taehyung whose heart was beating fast just by the look in his eyes.

"I was almost giving up hope Tae. I didn't think I was ever going to hold you in my arms again but here you are"

He smiled and Taehyung lowered his gaze unable to say another word.

Jimin continued. "Thanks for what you said Tae. You have no idea what it meant to me"

Taehyung smiled but then his face fell. "It's true Jimin. I'm falling in love with you again. When I'm with you, I remember those times when we where in the island, in the village, the feelings I get when you look at me, when you care for me. I couldn't ignore them....

"Also I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I said hurtful words to you and I treated you horribly. I just...."

"It's okay Tae... "

But Taehyung shook his head "It's not okay Jimin because even though we love each other, we can't just run away into the sunset and live happily ever after"

Jimin sat up on bed staring at him with a thinking look before smiling brightly.

"What if we do?"

Taehyung gazed at him, sitting upright.


"Look, I know I used to be against us running away together. The reason was because you where hit by the love cupid and you weren't really thinking straight but now, I think we should do it. I think we should run away, leave everything behind. Let our families deal with their shit all on their own"

Taehyung looked at Jimin trying to consider his words. In other for his motive to sink in, Jimin continued.

"Going back to our families isn't an option right now and if you think about it, they are going to separate us the minute we go back and your father is going to make you marry Jisoo"

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