Forty nine

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It was the day of the wedding. That morning, the phone on Jimin's nightstand rang repeatedly but of course, no one was there to answer it. Thirty minutes later, four boys where bursting into the house in a frenzy  only to find the place in total chaos, Furnitures upturned and broken. Pieces of broken glass on the floor.

"What the hell happened here?" Hoseok cried out, totally aghast. Jin was already running towards Jimin's room shouting his name.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen. We should have been here with him!" Yoongi whispered looking worried.

Namjoon looked pale as he gulped "This is definitely Kim Taejun's handiwork. Do you think he may have..."

"Don't even say the word!" Jin shouted as he returned. He sighed placing his hands on his hips.

"I searched all over. I couldn't find him. His whole room is turned upside down."

Yoongi stroke his chin thoughtfully. "This means they didn't get him!"

"What?" The rest chorused

Yoongi looked around. "This house is in a mess which means they where probably searching everywhere for him and they didn't find him. If they had kidnapped him, they wouldn't have messed up the place. It would have been clean. Even if they had you know...."

He looked at Jin who was giving him a hard glare not to say those words so he swallowed the words and continued.

"There would have been evidences. I can tell no matter how much they clean up"

Hoseok gazed at him. "How do you know?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Babe, I'm the son of a gangster remember? I've spent years knowing how criminals operate"

They nodded knowingly as Yoongi continued.

"But we have to be sure! I'm going to the hotel where the wedding is holding and I'll find out what's going on"

"How will you do that?" Jin asked.

Yoongi sighed. "It's a hotel guys, not their house. They can't stop people from going in and out. Though I'm sure their reserved hall and their rooms will be heavily guarded but I know some people there who owe me some favors"

He grinned and Hoseok wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"Do be careful and keep in touch" he whispered looking at his boyfriend with love and concern.

Yoongi nodded. "I will..."

He left the house leaving the others in deep agitation.

Taehyung stood in front of the long standing mirror looking at his image. He looked good in his black tuxedo but his skin color was drained and he looked so tired. He was all alone now, not even his friends where invited to the wedding and reporters were prohibited from coming. The whole ceremony was being rushed because of his father. He paced around the room nervously. He had only one card left to play after trying for days to escape this situation. He had been locked in his room and even there where guards stationed behind the door. He knew if he met Jimin again, his father wouldn't hesitate to do away with him but still, He imagined jumping out the window but he knew he wouldn't survive the fall. He was doing all these to meet Jimin alive, not as a corpse.

He heard a soft knock on the door. He looked up wondering who it could be. The door opened and a small man entered. He was dressed in room service attire pushing a stroller containing food inside. His head was bent and he closed the door behind him Taehyung peered closer to see his face when he suddenly exposed his face and Taehyung jumped back in shock.

"Yoongi hyung?" he gasped.

"Dude... Keep your voice down. I barely made it here!" he whispered and Taehyung remained still looking at him.

"Yoongi, how did you get in here?"

Yoongi grinned. "I have my ways...i pulled a few strings!"

Taehyung arched his eyebrows. "You know you shouldn't be here..."

When he noticed the look in Yoongi's face, his heart began to hammer in his chest.

"Jimin... Is he okay? Did something happen to him?" He said all at once but Yoongi held him.

"I don't know...all I know is he's missing. We went to the apartment he rented this morning but we couldn't find him"

Taehyung looked terrified, breathing heavily.

"He wasn't with his parents?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No...not since  you guys broke up"

Taehyung ran his head over his hair panting.

"We must find him... We have to..."

"Calm down Tae before you have another attack!"

He sat him down on a chair.

"Tell me Taehyung, do you think your father has anything to do with Jimin getting missing? Try and think Taehyung!"

Taehyung tried calming down a bit before having a flash back.


He was in his hotel room. His father had entered to drill into his head the importance of what he was about to do.

"Don't mess this up for me Taehyung. If you are trying to do something foolish, you better not!" He had warned him but Taehyung didn't say a word.

His phone rang and when he picked up, his father's face changed totally, crumpling into anger and disappointment.

"What do you mean you didn't find him?" he yelled but when he realized he had gained Taehyung's attention, he lowered his voice and he began to whisper into the phone but he caught some few words; Find him, disappointed, how could he disappear?

When he ended the call, his father looked so irritated.

"I have to take care of something!" he simply said and left the room, his back stiff.

Taehyung told Yoongi all these and it was apparent to the two of them now

"Jimin must have escaped!" Yoongi said.

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief. "He promised not to harm him. I divorced Jimin because my father said he would hurt him if I didn't. I'm doing all these, sacrificing myself because I thought he will keep to his word"

Yoongi sighed. "I  knew it. We didn't think you leaving Jimin was normal even Jimin himself"

Taehyung's eyes lightened. "Really?"

Yoongi nodded stroking his friend's back. Taehyung grabbed his hands tightly.

"Please hyung...Find my Jimin. I'll do anything. Even if he escaped, they might still find him" he said desperately.

Yoongi tried to assure him "It's okay Taehyungah, We'll do everything in our power to find Jimin. We'll go to the police even seek his parents help if we have to"
He paused.
"But Taehyung what's the use of continuing with the wedding when it's obvious your father just wants to have Jimin killed. He's not ready to keep to his own end of the bargain"

Taehyung gulped nodding his head. "You're right about that Yoongi. My father isn't going to leave Jimin alone"

They heard banging at the door.

"Hey room service! Aren't you in done there?" a body guard shouted.

It was like he was going to barge in at any moment so Yoongi picked himself up.

"Do what you must Taehyung!" He said and opened the door as he grabbed the stroller bowing his head at the fuming body guards.

"I apologize" He whispered and walked past them before they closed the door behind him.

Taehyung stood up determinedly. He was going to have to play that last card now.

To be continued....

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