Thirty five

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They drove for hours on end. Taehyung was tired of even asking Jimin where they where going to and decided to take a light nap. He woke up when he heard the slam of the door. He widened his eyes as he looked around him. They had arrived at  quite a lonely isolated place. The car was in front of a white painted duplex. There were only two or more houses close by at the other side of the street. It felt like a different world on its own. The feeling he felt was akin to the one he had when they where trapped in the island.

"Welcome princess!" Jimin said as he opened his side of the door. There was a slight smirk on his lips as he stared at him.

"Princess? What's that?" Taehyung scoffed as he stepped out of the car.

"Where are we?"

Jimin spread his arms. "At my safe haven...come on, let's go in"

Taehyung took a deep breath. One week right? He could bear it all for one week as long as he got what he wanted. His father would be pissed but it would all still work out in the end.

He followed Jimin into the house. Its architectural construct was beautiful and simple. The walls where painted white while the curtains, drapes and seats where all in gold colour creating a sense of euphoria and serenity.

"I designed this house myself" Jimin announced as he pulled off his coat and dropped it on the leather couch.

"It's the place I go to when I need to think or just get away. Even my parents who control every expense I make don't even know about this property so we are safe here, at least for now"

Taehyung nodded as he watched Jimin move to the wine cabinet.

"Care for something to drink?" The older said.

Taehyung sighed. "I'm pretty hungry Jimin..."

"Oh right! I'm sorry. I just had to get away with you quickly. I didn't think of getting anything to eat"

He took out his phone. "I'll order us some pizza"

Taehyung shrugged.  "Can you even get a pizza delivery around here? This place looks so deserted"

"Its a small town Taehyung not a village. They can deliver pizza just fine!"

He began to talk on his phone when Taehyung interrupted him.

"I haven't told you my specialty yet!"

Jimin smiled. "Plain cheese pizza with tomatoes and chicken nuggets toppings, fried and extra crispy"

Taehyung stared at him mouth agape.
"How did you..."

"You told me remember?"

Flash back

They where back in the island, lying on the sands looking up at the red sun

"I miss a lot of things!" Jimin muttered.

Taehyung turned to him with a wry smile.

"Guess what I miss the most?"

Jimin looked at him, mischievousness shining in both their eyes.

"Pizza!" They both yelled at the same time. Once they realized they had mentioned the same thing at the same time, they burst out laughing.

As the laughter died down, Taehyung shook his head.

"God, I miss it so much. The yummy satisfying feeling I get when I take the first bite. I can just feel myself tasting it"

Jimin chuckled. "How do you like yours?"

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