Twenty seven

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His head was banging furiously as he opened his eyes to see the white ceiling. He recognized that purely white mahogany ceiling and sat up quickly but his action made the pain at his head return with full force.

"Calm down son!"

That crippling voice sent goosebumps running all over his skin. He looked up and there before him was Mr Taejun Kim, his father. Handsome but with a small scar at the left side of his face that ran from his eye down to his chin He gulped furiously as he realized that he was back. Back to this hell of a life. He wanted to scream at the top of his voice but he held back himself.

His father sat on a chair in front of him, his two hands holding tightly to his golden walking stick as his eyes pierced deeply into his son.

"It's good to see you son" he whispered with a light grin. "You've been gone three weeks and no one had any idea where you were. I wouldn't have known your whereabouts had it not been for the mobile transfer you made yesterday"


Kim Taejun chuckled. "Is that how it's going to be? You're not going to talk to your dad?"

"I have nothing to say to you"

A flicker of anger flashed in Kim Taejun's eyes but vanished immediately.

"Mmh....that's fine." he stood up leaning against his stick as he glared at Taehyung who looked up at him, his mind focused on one thing

"Jimin... What did you do to him?" he muttered.

A small smirk appeared on his father's face.

"About that... What the hell were you doing with the Parks son?"

He narrowed his eyes at him waiting for an answer to which Taehyung remained quiet, unable to say a thing.

"You don't want to talk?" He nodded his head. "Fine then, you'll talk sooner or later"

He began to walk towards the door. He stopped all of a sudden and then looked back at Taehyung.

"As for Jimin, he should be home by now" He simply said and then smiled. "You should freshen up. We're having some special guests today" he said and left followed by his body guards.

Taehyung sighed in relief as soon as the man was gone. His surprisingly calm behavior was putting him on edge. It was so unlike him to be so mild. Kim Taejun was definitely up to something.

He started to search for his phone. He had to be sure that Jimin was really okay but his phone was nowhere to be seen.

Damn it. That man must have taken his phone. Now, how on earth would he be able to reach Jimin? He didn't even have his number. He had to figure out a way.

Meanwhile, on the south side of town, Jimin was roughly pushed out of the car. He fell onto the ground in front of his mansion. The men inside the car gave him stern looks before driving off leaving their dusts in his wake.

Jimin winced as he looked at his bleeding elbow. It hurt a bit. He stood up dusting his clothes off and eventually faced the huge gate. He sighed deeply as he pressed the button beside the gate.

He couldn't forget what happened. How those men had barged into their room instantly grabbing him from the bed. The look in Taehyung's eyes when he saw him struggling with them felt so terrifying.

"Taehyung!" He yelled out loud as he was hit at the side of the head. His breath hung when someone else entered banging his walking stick hard on the ground. It was a tall and handsome man looking somewhat like Taehyung. Jimin had only seen the man twice in his entire life. He recognized him because of that scar running from his left eye down his chin. He was Kim Taejun, Taehyung's father.

The man looked at him and his eyes lingered for far too long.

"Park Jimin?" he whispered. He smiled cheekily. "My, how much you've grown"

He looked from him to his unconscious son lying on the bed "What I don't understand is what you are doing here with Taehyung"

Jimin couldn't answer and the man nodded. "Mmh... Do your parents have any idea you're here frolicking around with my son in a hotel"

He suddenly looked so annoyed and Jimin could see the man Taehyung was so scared of lunged within him. He gulped hard.

"Well... Em"

" I don't care to know. Whatever nonsense you have going on with my son comes to an end today"

He eyed him. "I know that Taehyung whores around with every human being he encounters. But you are supposed to be an exception. The reason why he's here with you beats my understanding considering our family relations"

"Mr Kim.... "

The man stood in front of him boring his eyes deeply into his. "I hate repeating myself so I'm only going to say this once"

He lifted the stick and used it to stroke Jimin's face. "I don't care to know what ever you two have been up to this past three weeks but what ever it was, it ends now"

He smiled wryly. "You should go back home to that too goody family of yours and ensure that you stay the hell away from my son"

"I have so much plans laid out for Taehyung and I don't want you or your family ruining it as you always do"

He pulled back dropping the stick. "I hope I've made myself clear or I promise you, you're going to be sorry"

Jimin nodded his head tears rolling down his eyes.

"Take him away" Kim Taejun grunted and that was how he was shoved out of the room.

Now, he waited at the front of the gate of his mansion feeling so anxious when the gate opened and he saw his Butler. As soon as the older man saw him, a shocked smile filled his face.

"Young master! You're alive" He cried

Jimin stroke his shoulder and smiled softly. "How have you been old man?"

He entered and the Butler followed behind.

"This is a miracle. We all thought you were dead. We searched everywhere for you"

Jimin forced a smile. "Well, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive"

As he entered the house, all the staffs ran towards him looking shocked and welcoming him home with smiles and pleasantries.

"Where are my parents?"

The Butler lowered his gaze. "They aren't home. They travelled to Hongkong early this morning"

Jimin scoffed. "I can't believe it. Even after I went missing, they keep working as though nothing ever happened"

He looked at the Butler who was trying hard to avoid his eyes "Are they even my parents. Did they look for me at all?"

The Butler smiled in discomfort. "Don't say that. They are your parents. They were very worried when you went missing and they looked everywhere for you" he gulped. "It's just that business is business."

Jimin scoffed. "Yeah right. I always had to learn that the hard way"

"May I call them and inform them of your return?"

Jimin sighed. "You can do as you like" he paused. "Please set up a warm bath for me "

"Of course young master" the Butler said and hurried away.

Jimin wondered what happened to their friends and even Jungkook. Did the angel already know of what was happening? He stood there his heart aching but he had to pretend to be strong because he knew how much he would really need it.

Thanks for reading. This is quite a short chapter but please bear with me.  I've been a bit under the weather lately. Until the next chapter. Bye everyone!

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