Thirty seven

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Jungkook sat on top of the roof of a very tall building overlooking the people walking to and fro, going at their everyday lives. How low he had thought of them before meeting Jimin and Taehyung. He had destroyed people's lives and destinies all because of his child-like attitude towards his work but now he felt like he had to amend for his ways.

"You're still hiding out here?"

Mark's voice interrupted his flowing thoughts and he jumped out of his own skin. He glared at his fellow angel

"What...are you doing here and how did you find me?"

Mark grinned. "You can't cloak yourself from me Jungkook. I know all your hidden tricks"

Jungkook sighed as his friend continued.

"You are done here. You have gotten your cupid. now it's time to come back"

Jungkook shrugged. "No I can't. I feel restless like there is something I must take care of before returning to heaven"

Mark arched an eyebrow. "And what could that be?"

Jungkook groaned. "I wish I knew but I can't help this feeling."

Mark sighed. "You must figure out what it is that's keeping you here because its only a matter of time before the leader finds you" he shook his head pitifully. "And just so you know, your punishment is going to double"

Jungkook didn't seem to care. "I'll accept my punishment but I'm not going anywhere until I figure out why I'm still here"

Mark stared at his friend in amazement. He had never seen this serious side of him before and it was really surprising. He hid a smile.

"Okay, if you say so" he whispered gravely.

Suddenly, Jungkook froze, his ears pointing upwards. His heart began beating crazily fast and he could feel something serious was about to take place. Mark noticed the change in his friend's mood and gently touched his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He whispered but the latter shook his head.

"No, something's about to happen. I have to go!"

And with that, he disappeared.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Mark yelled but the angel was long gone and again, he had cloaked himself.

Kim Taejun tapped his foot restlessly in his car as he was been driven towards the Park mansion. It had been five years since he had last seen that nasty manipulator and betrayer. Now, he was going to get an opportunity to finally erase his existence from the face of this world.

His car stopped in front of the huge gate of the mansion where body guards where positioned outside wearing mean faces. His blood boiled. That fool must have known he was coming that was why he had prepared himself against him. He didn't wait for his driver to open the door for him. He did it himself and stood in front of the huge men. He wasn't intimidated. Why would he when he too was flanked by his own guards who were equally as huge and mean looking.

"I want to see your boss. I'm Kim Taejun" He said with an air of superiority.

"We were given specific orders not to let you enter" One of them said.

Kim Taejun laughed. "What is this? Is your boss scared? Tell him to come out at once!" He yelled.

In the blink of an eye, the four body guards had pointed their guns at him. His guards did the same and it was a face off. Passersby who had been peacefully walking past ran away for fear of their lives in case a gun battle ensued.

Kim Taejun laughed sarcastically. "Really? Is that all you got. I'm not moving an inch until that coward steps out!" He yelled.

"Kim Taejun, always the loud mouth!"
A loud voice yelled from inside the mansion. Kim Taejun could recognize that voice anywhere and he turned growling as Park hye sun came out of the magnificent gate standing face to face with him. The guards lowered their guns. The smirk on Park hye sun's face made Kim Taejun want to strangle him at that moment.

"You can never change your nasty temper Taejun!" The other man said.

"Don't you dare say my fucking name Park. I came here for one reason only. Where is my son?"

Park Hye sun stared at him angrily. "I should be the one asking you that. Did you do something to my child again because if you did, I won't spare you"

Kim Taejun laughed hard before slowing down and spitting on the ground.

"Why would I when it's over between our children!"

Park hye sun rolled his eyes irritated. "Get out of my house Taejun. I don't want to even see you or speak to you at all"

Kim Taejun smiled connivingly. "Why would you ignore me? Surely you know that we are in-laws"

The other lost his balance nearly falling against the body guard behind him.

"What did you just say?"

"Our children had a secret wedding during that period when they went missing"

Park hye sun shook violently. "I don't believe it. I know that my son has briefly lost his senses recently but marriage, that is absurd!"

Kim Taejun scoffed. "Well you better believe it. I think that they might have eloped to stop the wedding of my son Taehyung to the daughter of one of Asia's most powerful business men"

He narrowed his eyes at the other. "But I promise you this Park if I don't get my son back by tomorrow, I will reign disaster on you and your entire family"

Park hye sun glared back at him. "I told you, I have no idea where your fucking son is plus I don't give a damn about your threat. I'm ready for you Taejun so bring it on"

Kim Taejun felt his skin crawl and all his nerves stood on end. He hated this man standing before him so much, he was surprised how he hadn't lurched at him to kill him. Park hye sun suddenly moved closer to him.

"You've always been weak Taejun and we both know it. You've always used your anger to mask your insecurities but we both know the truth... The real truth about why you hate me"

He smirked looking defiantly into his eyes. "It's because I have always been better than you. Deep down inside, you'll always be nothing more than a low life thug" he whispered and Kim Taejun pounced on him dealing a heavy blow on his right cheek. He fell to the ground and the latter climbed on top of him reigning strong blows on his face before bringing out the gun he had hid at the back of his pants and pointed it at Park hye sun's face.

Park hye sun's guards pointed their guns at him while his own pointed their guns at them. Park hye sun laughed spitting out blood from his mouth, his face slightly bruised.

"Go ahead you Savage. Prove that I'm right. You are only just a thug dressed in an expensive suit!"

"You bastard!" Kim Taejun yelled anger shining through his eyes at his sworn enemy. He reluctantly got off him.

"I'll end you Park. Trust me!" He swore under his breath and straightened his suit as he walked towards his car. He looked back at Park hye sun who was now standing, frowning at him.

"Prepare for war Park. Only one of us will be left standing after this" he muttered with a dark look.

"I've always been prepared but I know you only spit out empty threats"

Kim Taejun smiled smugly. "We shall see" he said before he entered his car. His guards lowered their weapons and entered their own cars. Park hye sun watched with disgust as the cars zoomed off.

"Fucking idiot!" He grumbled as he made his way into the house troubled by the news of Jimin and Taehyung's secret wedding. If that boy who says is his son comes back, he would hear it from him but right now, he had calls to make.

Meanwhile Jungkook had watched the scene between the two enemies and now, everything fell into place. He understood the reason why he was still stuck here and why he was so interested in Jimin and Taehyung.
Tears welled in his eyes. He was the cause of everything. The discord between the two families was entirely his fault. As he sobbed silently, he finally realized one thing, he was going to have to fix the mistake he made twenty seven years ago.

Thanks for reading. There is still more so keep up. Bye!

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