Fifty eight

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Taejun was a shadow of his former self ever since he found out the truth about Hye sun. His friends tried to pull him out of his depression but their efforts where in vain. He was yet to receive payment for the sale of the land and truthfully, he didn't care. All he cared about was an explanation from Hye sun. He wanted to hear the reason why he lied and used him straight from his own mouth but he hadn't seen him for almost a week now and there wasn't any sign he was coming back.

In the midst of all these, he didn't tell his mother what happened. She would be devastated because she had grown to love Hye sun so much. As for Nara, she was more than relieved that Hye sun was finally out of their lives even though, she sometimes felt bad looking at Taejun's miserable face and watched him drown himself in alcohol every night.

One day, Taejun was leaving the house when his mother stopped him, holding his arm tightly.

"What happened to Hye sun?" She whispered in a weak voice.

Taejun couldn't answer. What could he possibly tell her? That Hye sun was a traitor? He held her hand in his.

"Come on Mother, you need to rest and take your medicine" he said leading her to her rocking chair and trying to distract her but she gripped his hand

"I know something is wrong Taejun. I can see right through you." she whispered looking straight into his eyes.

Taejun tried to control himself but he was already tearing up.

"I don't believe he can just get up one day and not come back. What about the business he was helping you with? What happened to that?"

Taejun shook his head. "Nothing mother. It's just... "

"You two where happy. You love each other" She frowned at him. "Or did you say something to upset him that made him leave? You know you have a horrible temper"

Taejun breathed heavily. "No, I did not say anything to make him leave"

He ran his hands roughly over his hair in agitation. "You know what, please stop talking about Hye sun anymore. He left and that's that...just make sure you tdake your medicine"

He started to leave.

"Taejun!" She called out but he just turned around, gave her a sad smile and walked out of the house.

Mrs Kim wasn't comfortable with what was happening with her son. He hardly ate and he had lost so much weight in just a matter of days. It pained her heart to see him like this. She had to know what had happened to him to make him turn to this.

There was only one way she knew how. She would have to invade his privacy. Thankfully, his room was open unlike before which made it easier for her to enter and do a calm search. She was worried he was taking solace in drugs so she searched for anything out of the ordinary but nothing stood out. After a while, she gave up and was about leaving the room when her eyes caught something peeking out from Taejun's pillow on the bed. She waddled to the bed, pulled out the pillow and sighted a newspaper in front of her. She was quite surprised to find this here because her son never read newspaper. She slowly turned to the front page and was struck speechless as soon as she saw Hye sun's face and read the headlines. The paper fell from her trembling hands. Her legs grew too weak to carry her and she fell to the ground, her attack coming up with full force. Her eyes turning white as she started foaming from the mouth shaking violently, her teeth clattering.

"Eomma! Eomma!" Taejun's voice was heard from outside the room. He had forgotten something in his room and returned to get it. Hearing no answer from his mother, he entered his room only to recieve a rude awakening. His mother was lying in the middle of the room having one of her epileptic attacks but this time, it was different. It looked so severe. He rushed to her full of worry.

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