Twenty two

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When Taehyung returned, he refused to tell Jimin where he had gone and the latter was beginning to get suspicious but he quickly pretended as if he didn't care about what he did. What really unsettled Jimin was that Taehyung didn't notice he was really angry. That just pissed Jimin off the more.

During dinner, he got even more annoyed when he noticed all the flirtations going on around him. There was Jin and Namjoon practically sticking to each other like glue while Hoseok couldn't stop giving Yoongi heart eyes as the latter showed off his swag. Taehyung was busy making jokes and laughing with Jungkook as the younger kept exposing his bunny smile. Jimin didn't understand why he wasn't into these celebrations. It was all Taehyung's fault. He couldn't help feeling that he was doing something behind his back.

After dinner, everyone retired to their respective rooms. Jimin just went to the bathroom, took a quick bath and returned to the room slumping on the bed and turning his back on Taehyung. Taehyung definitely noticed his attitude this time and tapped his shoulder but he refused to face him.

"hey Jimin, is something wrong?"

No reply.

"Yah...answer me please"

Jimin finally turned around to face him with furious eyes. He hugged his legs giving Taehyung a deadly look.

"What have you been doing these past few days"

The latter smiled nervously scratching his hair. "Well... It's a secret"

Jimin rolled his eyes "Taehyung, you just survived a gun shot. Do you think I won't be worried about you sneaking off to God knows where? What if something bad happens to you"

Taehyung had a soft look in his eyes as he gazed at the smaller one. "I'm glad to know that you care about me"

Jimin heaved heavily. "Don't you want to tell me what you've been up to?"

Taehyung frowned a little "like I said, it's a secret"

"Fine then, you can keep your secret to yourself" he barked and resumed his former position, turning his back on Taehyung. The window was open just how Taehyung liked it and the soft breeze caressing his skin was enough to calm him down. Soon enough, he fell into a deep sleep.

His eyes opened as he felt a light tap on his back and Taehyung's soft voice whispering into his ears.

"Jimin, please wake up"

Jimin was so tired but he finally sat up on bed rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning. He faced Taehyung and he could see him smiling.

"Taehyung, it's so late. Why did you wake me up?"

He felt the latter grab his hands. "Come with me, there's somewhere I have to take you"

"Can't it wait?" Jimin groaned yawning for the umpteenth time. Taehyung tugged at his hand. "I'm afraid it can't wait. It's now or never"

Jimin allowed Taehyung drag him up from the bed and they walked out of the room hand in hand. It was so dark outside they had to take a lantern. Taehyung told Jimin to wait for him. He left and returned with a bicycle.

Jimin stared from him to the bicycle, sleep completely washed away from his eyes.

"Where are you taking me in that at this time of the night?" He questioned with a confused look.

"You'll see, get on" Taehyung said but Jimin had mixed feelings so Taehyung climbed on the bicycle first before Jimin did hugging his body tight.

Taehyung smiled smugly and they took off. Jimin was scared. What the hell did they think they were doing pedalling a bicycle at this unholy hour of the day when dark marauders lurked the night waiting for their prey. He gripped Taehyung's shirt tighter.

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