» Christmas Special

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“Ah~ Having writers block again?” Eli asked adjusting his fluffy santa hat in a mirror.

“W-what?! No..” [ERROR] rubbed her exposed arms shivering every second.

“I see, well...” Eli slipped off his nice long trench coat and placed it over [404] keeping his hands on [404] shoulders.

“Happy Holidays from all characters in PAUPERISM!” Eli yelled with excitement.

“...Get off of me.” [404] said before cueing the intro.

“You know you don't want me to–”

Okay before we begin, I just want to point out that this may not be festive compared to others.

I really don't like the Christmas season and don't really celebrate it so I don't know what's an ideal holiday like.

I'm sorry if it's not of your tastes. You can skip this and move to the filler which is Zack and Y/N.

Alright, let's get this bitch started.

Oh hi! Didn't see you there, it's me, Seng! Happy holidays. Now I didn't technically get a script so a story can't be helped. I believe what my boss said was that it was popular around fandoms, and–




That's not what you meant, huh?


A alternate universe.. Our PAUPERISM doesn't take place during the holidays so it's unnecessary, but here we are.

Only cause Author had no other chapters ready

True. Now this story is very sacred, passed down generation to generation. It is important you listen close...

Our story begins in a classroom full
of chatty, young students who's teacher
had disappeared right after the lesson ended.

There was, however, one group of
kids to focus on. The Flower 7.

“Let's do Secret Santa this year guys!” Y/N suggested to the group as they all looked at each other confused.

“What...is that?” Mira asked innocently playing with a lock of her own hair.

“It's basically we all write our name down and choose out a name and buy that person a present without telling them who it's from.” Daniel explained.

“Sounds boring, but sure.” Zack said crossing his arms and attempting to nap but failing due to his excitement to pull names.

“How would we know what to get for the person we chose?” Zoe asked.

“You don't, you just get them something that you think they would want.” Y/N said with a big thumbs up.

“Sounds fun~” Zoe said clapping excited as well.

“Ah! Can I join too?” Yui asked butting into the group.

“I guess...” Y/N answered losing her good energy. Not that she was annoyed of Yui, she was annoyed of the gifts Yui gave.

“That'd be fun, I'll play too!” Daniel joined with a wave of agreements from the others.

“Hm..Jay, would you like to join too?” Y/N asked.

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