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"Pick up the phone, pick up the phone

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"Pick up the phone, pick up the phone." Y/N mumbled, leaning against the subway's walls as the others slept soundly in a corner. The same automated response played for the 20th time in her ear, causing her to cuss and slide down the wall.

"Y/N, why aren't you sleeping? It's cold at this hour. Do you need some more blanket?" Vasco asked as he joined her side.

"I'm alright, Vasco, thank you." Y/N said softly with a forced smile, "I'm not cold & not tired at all, to be honest."

"I see." He answered staring down at the floor with a nonchalant, yet pure look, "I guess you can survive even if you hadn't slept in days."

Who told him you could die (ー ー;)..?

"How did you know..." Y/N asked in shock. It was true; ever since the "mission" had started, it was hard for her to sleep. She was worried about Zack, who had disappeared with little to no explanation.

"I hear you get out of your blanket. It wakes me up sometimes." Vasco admitted quietly, "...You are worried. For Zack. And Daniel."

She stared at him for a second as he continued to look down at the ground. Y/N sighed & saw the cold air escape from her mouth.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. I know I shouldn't, but I'm worried they'll get into something that is bigger than they could handle." Y/N said, "...I just want to know that they're okay, but no one responds to me."

"Y/N." Vasco called out, turning his head to give her his iconic heartwarming smile, "Give them time. They're doing fine. They learn from the best, don't they?"

She smiled at him & looked down at the floor. Her nose was turning a light red & she was shivering as she hadn't been this exposed to the cold in a long time. Still, she kept a smile on her face knowing that the knowledge of her friends being safe kept her warm.

"Thank Vasco. I needed that." Y/N said as she put her head back against the wall, "...Yeah. I really did."

"..." Vasco watched her silently as goosebumps began to form and her body became pale. He took off his jacket and draped it over her torso. She looked at it confused before glancing up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You seemed cold. G-G-Get s-s-some s-s-s-"

"Your teeth are chattering." Y/N interrupted, handing back his jacket and giGGling at his failed attempt, "I'll just go back to my blanket."

"R-right, G-good idea." Vasco said as she stood up, his cheeks turning red from either the cold or the embarrassment— there's no in between.

"Hmm~ Good night, Vasco." She said ruffling his hair and returning to her sleeping area.

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