I'm not good

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((I own nothing *this was on a different account i had but deleted, i will be putting up all fan fiction and stories i have made onto here for now on*)) 


"I suggest you bring it up with your boyfriend." You advised Zelda, she was starting to think that Link was starting to want to see other girls. You kept a smile on your face, seeming pleasant to eye. Zelda gave a faint nod, agreeing with you before crushing you in a hug. You hugged her back, anyone would think that the two of you were best friends. But that wasn't the case. People come to you for advice on all sorts of topics, and may even think you to be their friend. But that wasn't how you saw it.
Sure you tell them something, but they were not even an Allie to you. After all you saw it as a game, you knew how to read others by their speech, actions, and the looks in their eyes. You would tell them to do one thing or another, and every time it would bring you amusement. Just how could they trust your word so easily? After all you would know the out come of their situation before they would, because you always watched. For instance, Zelda's problem, her suspicions were correct. Link was even planning on dumping her tomorrow , at the festival. You wonder, just how much this teen girl will blame whoever he chooses to be with. Even if your (e/c) didn't shine with mirth, nor do your facial features show any form of glee, you were excited to see the out come. But no one knows that, they never did, and when something bad happens they come to you for comfort. Honestly, how can they be so naive?
"Thank you, (Name). I don't know what I'd do without you. " She said happily before bounding off to confront her soon to be heart break. You waved to her before walking away. Even the maiden of Hyrule believed you, this kingdom was full of people who are just begging for the harsh truth. They have lived in the dark all their lives, but since you came you slowly weaved the darkness into them. Making them wonder if they can trust others, all but you. Because you haven't shown them just who you are, the puppeteer in this game of yours. But soon you'd leave this place, it was starting to bore you to no end.
Watching the princess's heart break would be the last thing you would do before leaving. And boy you couldn't wait for tomorrow night to come.

A/n: Hello my dears, unlike most Zedla fanfiction I've seen besides one series. You my dear, shall get the joy of being a villain. It's getting old, always having the reader be a good girl while helping the hero, but what of the villians? I believe it's time to change that. I hope you enjoy, please comment on how it is so far. I tend to think it's crap when no one comments. (^_^")

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