I'm not Good

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"Just how did you get here?" You asked him coldly as he chuckled. "Aw, you underestimate my abilities my princess.~" You narrowed your eyes. "I am no princess,  now tell me just why are you here?" Your (e/c) glared at him, your care taker. "(Name) it is time you come back to us, you have been away for over three years. Don't you think that your powers have weakened since then?" He tempted, a smirk could be seen from his hooded face. His pale hand reached out to you as he knelt in front of you. Your glare seemed to harden as you stood up, a sneer forming. "Jame, I left you and Katherine for a reason, and I'm not going back." You said sternly back walking off, you could still feel James' presence no matter how far you got away from him. You hated to say this but you knew that they would find you sooner or later, you just wished that they would leave you be...


Your muscles ached, sweat dripped down your brow as you anticipated the next attack. It had been a few years since the death of your parents, since the fire you had forced to be with Jame and Katherine.  Their life style wasn't all that great. Your daily routine was to wake at the break of dawn, eat a small breakfast, then for 80% of the day you were to train. Their training was hard before, but now they had no restraints. You had bruises on your person along with cuts and a few scars on your back from when they would strike you. You had to do this daily, of you were luck you would get a small break to get some nourishment before being forced to start over.

One day you had enough and left, they didn't try to stop you, but they always seemed to follow you. Three years ago you managed to finally shake them off.


You put on an emotionless face as you made your way back to your room. Just how are you going to shake them off this time...?

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