I'm not good

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Link broke the door just was you had vanished. Leaving him staring at the spot you once stood, shock and fear showing on his face. "That....that fucking bastard! (Name), I'm coming don't worry...." He said to himself before running off to get his horse. There was no way in hell that he would let Vaati take you from him. (Even though you went on your own accord -.-" )


You recognized the area the both of you were in, Hyrule castle. "So you managed to overtake this place?" You questioned with a slight smirk. "I have to say, I like what you've done with the place, I never really liked how bright and cheerful it was." You said as he began to lead you through the place. Instead of the rich purple carpet the floor was covered in a deep rich red carpet, the walls were more gray than white, it was a nice look for this place. Well in your opinion.  Vaati smirked, looking at you from the corner of his eye as he watched you look about the place. Normally people would be meek upon seeing the place, and the fact that you had been here before was interesting.  " Oh, you've been here before?" He questioned as you both turned a corner of the halls. A chuckle came from you while a grin spread across you face. "Just a game I played for a few month before growing bored of it all." You could help but let a few giggles leave you while recalling most of your little game. 

"(Name)! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?!"

You turned to see the princess rushing over to you, crushing you in a hug. You stood still as she cried into you chest. "I'm so sorry for snapping at you!' You sighed before pushing her off of your person. "Don't be, it was fun to watch." You said, amusement laced in your words as Zelda stared at you wide-eyed. "(N-name)..?" This was new for her., she had always knew you as a sweet and innocent person. Never before has she seen you be cruel or rude. The expression on her made you laugh gleefully. "What's the matter princess? Afraid of your 'Dear best friend'?" You asked with a grin in place. "..no...no, how could he...?" You raised a brow at her. "What do you mean?" Zelda shook her head with tears in her eyes. "He did this! He brainwashed you or put some spell on you! Didn't he?!"
Vaati watched all of this in amusement, so the princess knew you, hm? "Zelda," You said with a blank look in your eyes." If you think that then you are even more dumb than I had first though." You stated blandly."You don't mean that! You would never say such a thing!" Zelda turned her attention to Vaati, who just smirked as she glared at him/ "You. You did this! Change her back! What purpose would you have to do this to her? You already took over my kingdom, and how the fuck did you even find her?"  The girl was more than angered at this point as the two of you couldn't help but laugh at the clueless princess. "I did nothing to the girl my dear, it would seem you don't know her as well as you thought you did." He said before his face grew serious. "Who let the wench out?! I thought I said to keep her locked up until her execution day comes!" In no time guards came and took hold of her, dragging her away while she cried out for you. Telling you that she and Link you save you. 

When in reality you didn't need saving, if anything they did.

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