I'm not good

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As you woke with a yawn you noticed Shadow clinging to your person. This wasn't anything new by now but that didn't mean that you would have him do this while you were awake. "Shadow, off. Now" you said as your eye twitched, with a slight smirk he opened his eyes. "I don't feel like it, (Name). After all today Vaati gets to have you all to himself." He said with a pout, you couldn't help but let out a bit of a chuckle. "Come on, you spend the whole night in here. You don't need to be greedy you little brat.~" You teased as the two of you sat up. "Fine fine, but you know you want to stay!~" He said as he left the room for you to get dressed. As you went over to a closet  you couldn't help smile, ever since you came here you grew used to his antics along with the others that now inhabit the place. But it's not like you'd let them know that, after all it would be seen as a weakness. "Besides...' You muttered with a frown. "I can't allow them to get too close..." 

*◇*◆*◇*Time Skip◆*◇*◆*◇

You stepped into a empty room, the place you and Vaati would practice your magic, you did keep yourself as guarded around him compared to how you did with others. But there will always be that voice in the back of your mind telling you they will all leave. Just like mommy and daddy.
You see when you were little you were gifted, or rather cursed, with the powers you hold to this day. You were isolated from the other villagers as a result of them finding this out once day when a boy was teasing you about one thing or another. You didn't like people as you grew up, you had learned at an early age that people are bitter and are not to be trusted. All but mommy and daddy. they loved you no matter what, they made sure to show you that they cared. As you grew up you had ended up seeing two figures show up around you, they would tell you about your gift, that they could help you with it. That they could get you anything you wanted. And you believed them. 
They taught you how to at least protect yourself with your shadows. But once they began to do so your parents began to see a difference in their little girl. You were being more serious around them and would leave the house when you would normally stay inside most of the day. You would brush them off saying it was nothing or that you just needed some rest. This worked, up until you had begun to learn self defense. 
They had seen the scratches on you but you refused to tell them how you got them. You wanted be able to protect them without them knowing. You Had begun to use other magics, starting with fire. As you were practicing you had noticed you still needed to practice. You got burned a few times but that was to be expected when you play with magic. But your parents were furious when they saw the burns on you, thinking that the villagers had done this to you. They were yelling, demanding you to tell them who had done this but you couldn't. You had hid once they started to argue with each other. You went to a corner of your room, holding onto a dagger your teachers had given to you for safe keeping. As you sat there you could hear a loud, ear piercing tone. You clutched your ears to drown it out but it wouldn't work. Before you knew it you where screaming, it felt as it your ear were bleeding, you fire was sprouting around you along with your shadows. You couldn't control them at the moment, you were too panicked to do so. 
The fire had spread throughout the village and had killed everyone, all but you and your teachers. You had learned that the tone was caused by over doing it. You had worked on your magic so much that your body started to reject it. It wasn't ready to hold that kind of power, at least until it was released that night. 

The door creaked open to show Vaati who wore a slight smirk. "Let's hope you've practiced lately." 

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