I'm not good

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Zelda stared down at the floor blankly, she had cried all she could and just felt cold. How could have I let this happen? She thought. I shouldn't have fought with (Name), she wouldn't do something that rude. She sighed before standing up and walking over to the bars, many times she had been here but now instead of wondering what the prisoners did she was a prisoner herself. Despite it being mid day it was dark as could be down there, making it hard to even see what is in front of her.'Link just how could you let this happen...?" She muttered to no one, unknown to her her beloved hero's opposite was watching just out of her line of sight. Sure he enjoyed it when the princess was close to admitting defeat, but he was displeased with how much hope she has for that hero. Just come on, the green clad teen left the kingdom who knows when and couldn't defend his people from the very villains he had come to be acquainted with over time.
He shook his head, this girl just can't accept the truth that is right in front of her. He looked over to the door to see another guard coming in quietly, his babysitting shift was finally over with. With a slight nod to the minion he heading up the stairs that lead to the exit. He had already caught wind of his master's return, but also with a new person. Obviously this would peek the curiosity of the shadow entity, after this would mean a new person he would have to deal with until Vaati sees fit be rid of the person. As he opened the door that lead to one of the hallways closest to the throne room he looked around for any sign of the minish. Noticing that he wasn't nearby he decided to look in one of the places he was almost always at, the library. As extensive as it was it was mainly filled with magic books near the back. Out of sight from others who wish to learn what the kingdom tries to hide from the citizens. Not many people were even allowed inside the library, let alone into the castle, but those who knew about these books were supposedly trusted by the royal family.

It's only obvious that the sorcerer would exploit the collection.

Walking down the halls he couldn't help but wonder, just who his new partner would be?


Vaati was showing you just what books he needed you to go through as he would teach you in the ways of magic, he wouldn't admit it but he was somewhat looking forward to it. You have a lot of potential, and the fact that you already disliked his enemies meant he wouldn't have to convince you to attack them. You looked at the three books in your hands, you had known about the royal family's little stash of magic books, but you did see any use for them. The books were based on three different type of magic: Crystal manipulation, elemental spells, and transformation spells. Three basic types of magic, it wouldn't take you took long to understand these. As the two of you made your way through each row of books you could hear the entrance door opening, footsteps making their way to your location. "So I take it this is the new one?" A familiar voice asked, a smirk making it's way to your face.

"It's good to see you as well, little shadow.~"

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