I'm not good

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Shadow looked around the area, looking for the witch who thought it would be fun to mess with him. he knew it was getting late, and that his "master" would be pissed off if he wasted anymore time than needed. But this girl peeked his interest, maybe a minute or two wouldn't get in the way of his orders? Shadow sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes he tried to find her aura. Knowing that some of it would have stayed in the area for a few more hours if not minutes. 
It didn't take him long to find you though. 
He smirked, noticing that you had fallen asleep. "Let's have some fun, shall we?~" He said before allowing himself to enter your subconscious. 
Fire, the first thing he saw when he entered your mind. The land your subconscious had created was a village burning to the ground. Curiosity getting the better of him he walked further into the village. People where running in the opposite direction, if not then they were trapped under rubble and slowly being killed. It seemed as if the fire was creating a path, right to the center of it all. There in the center stood a child, a little girl. She clutched onto a small dagger, a confused and fearful look filled her eyes as she looked around the area. Her (e/c) orbs searched the area for something. The child looked familiar to Shadow, maybe this was a memory? He thought, knowing that if it was then the child wouldn't be able to get her to notice him. So he decided to watch the scene unfold. 
The girl ran, fear deciding her very action as she made her way to a house. One that seemed to be almost all ash and dust. "Mother Father!" She cried out as two shrouded figures appeared before her, thought she didn't fear them. If anything it seemed that she accepted them. "Child your parents have left you." One of them spoke, the voice was that of a woman's, gentle and comforting."You lost control once again,' A male's voice said, annoyance shone clearly before a deep chuckle was hear. "You killed them my dear!" He cheered before one of the figures picked her up."Let me go, please I need to see them! " The (H/c) haired child cried out as she struggled to get out of it's grasp. "please, just this one last time-let me see them..." She muttered before them set her on the ground.

"Remember child, this will only make you stronger." "And that as much as you wish to change it, this is your path." 

The child ran into the building, running until she reached a room. She opened the door to see her parents, crushed by the roof. She already knew that they were dead, but the sight of their corpses just...Something went off in her. "Bye bye, mother father..." She said in a monotone voice, a cold and blank look in her (e/c) eyes as she exited the building. The wood and shelves the tried to land on her was just pushed back but an unseen force. Shadow guessed that it was her own shadows, doing this as he watched her. He didn't know why he was keen on watching this unfold. Maybe because of the death that reeked in the area? Maybe to see her suffer? Or just because he was curious to know what was happening? Most likely a mixture of all three, he guessed as she watched the girl leave with the two figures.The fire still raging behind them as they walked away.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Shadow turned around to catch a glimpse of you before he was shoved out of your subconscious.

You woke with a start, looking around the area for the one who thought it was a good idea to enter your mind. "Come on, I know you're here. Little shadow." She edged in order to bring him out, knowing that the shadow would most likely be hidden in the tree line, away from the fire's light. After getting o response you shrugged with a slight chuckle. "Fine be that way, but this is just a warning. Enter my mind again and face the consequences." You stated coldly before going back to sleep. Shadow looked over at you, knowing that he had wasted enough time there, he made his way to his original target.

Hyrule village.

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