I'm not good

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Shadow smirked as he impaled his sword through a civilian, enjoying their screams of pain as he did so. They were so pathetic in his eyes, all of them begging for their lives to be spared. It was sickening to him, if they wanted to be saved why not do it yourself? He swiftly took out his sword from the dead body as proceeded to destroy the village before going to the castle, his own army of shadows at his side. So far while destroying this pathetic little village their oh so mighty hero hasn't shown himself. He chuckled to himself, just more fun for him. So long as the "Hero" was out of the picture he could do more damage before his master showed up. 

"It's just a matter of time.~"

Screams, shouts, all around filling the air, for most it would be sickening to see the sight but for few it was blissful. Shadow made sure to not miss any of the people while doing this. Oh if only he could do this all the time, now that would be fun! For a second he could have sworn that he saw you impaled by his sword, shrugging it off he continued to make his way to the castle.

"Princess we can't hold him off for long!" A guard yelled as he watched him men fall one by one by the force of Shadow and his army. "What shall we do?" He asked his princess, while she herself had no idea as to what to do. Link hadn't showed once through all of this and she didn't know how to save her people, looks like trying to stay peaceful and non violent got her stuck in this. "If it comes down to it, we have no chose but to surrender..." She muttered, but her guards could hear her perfectly. She got up and walked over to the window where the guard was, staring in horror at the blood, organs, and bodies that filled the area. "Link please...help us..." She whispered under her breathe.
Before she knew it the enemy had made their way into the throne room. Shadow approached the princess with a smirk. "It's good to see you, princess." He spat out, making her scowl in response. "Shadow what are your reasons as to why you've killed just about everyone in my kingdom?" This question only seemed to amuse him and the army behind. "Your Kingdom? Sorry to break it to ya lady but this place no longer belongs to you." Zelda narrowed her eyes."Then who belongs it?"

"That would be me, my dear.~"

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