I'm not good

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Shadow smirked upon seeing you with Vaati. "Never thought I'd see you around here, witch." He commented while taking a few steps closer to your person. "I have to say though, I never though that your master would have been a minish.~" You said teasingly while said minish raised a brow. "You two have met I presume?" The two of you looked over to him, you smirking while the shadow had a slight scowl on his face. "The witch here decided it would be fun to mess with me when I was making my way to this sorry excuse of a kingdom." This only made you laugh, causing both to look at you. "And  it was fun, though I can't say I enjoyed you entering my subconscious. " You said, even though you smiled a glare was sent his way as sparks flew between the two of you. 
Vaati smirked at the sight, this will be interesting."Shadow, you are to teach (Name) here would to defend herself in close combat." He said while walking down the row of books. "I said nothing about co-" "And I frankly couldn't care less my dear. The fact is you'll need to defend yourself with not just magic." You withheld a scowl you looked over to Shadow from the corner of your eye to see him smirking. To say he was happy with his new position was an understatement, now that he would be teaching you he could get more opportunities to mess with you. After all the last time he encountered you his curiosity was peeked.
Plus this meant no more babysitting the princess!

"I look forward to teaching you, little witch.~" He chuckled before leaving the room, leaving you rather annoyed but shrugging it off. After all you needed to focus.  Walking over to a small area you sat down and began to read through the books that Vaati assigned to you.

*◇*◆*◇Time skip◆*◇*◆*◇

You have been staying in the palace for a few weeks now, sure your magic was better than ever but if one thing was certain is that Shadow just loved to mess with you. Whenever you lost while sparring with him he would make sure that you'd get humiliated because of it. In return you would just so happen to allow your shadows to mess with him. Talk about irony in its finest. While you have been here you gathered information on the date the princess would fall.
Only a little while longer, then the only pest will come soon enough.


Link's eyes widened upon seeing Hyrule, everything was ruined. Dried up blood on the ground, minions inhabiting the area, and the people who weren't working for Vaati were being put through labor. 

The sight triggered his to say the least.

He was so worried that you were being tortured by the little pest, let alone what else could have happened. So he wasted no time trying to sneak into the palace. But he waited for the right time to do so, after all he rather not get caught by one of the many buffoons that guard the palace.

*◇*◆*◇Time skip◆*◇*◆*◇

It was the middle of the night, you had fallen asleep with a book in your clutches. The (f/c) curtains just barely moving due to a soft breeze, the room dimly lit by the torch on the other side and from the moon. Everything looked peaceful, which shocked the hero. He didn't think you'd be living comfortably, in fact the closest thing to comfortable living that crossed his mind when it came to this situation was you. In Vaati's room. Sleeping with a displeased look on your face. While said minish held you closely to his person, but that did make him waver. It just made getting you out of this place a whole lot easier for him.
Quietly and carefully the green clad boy made his way over to your sleeping form, admiring the peaceful look on your face before removing your blanket.

Only to flip his shit.

There cuddling your legs was shadow. Yes at first when he came into your room to sleep you ignored him, but after a few weeks you hardly noticed him. Feeling the warmth of the blanket gone you unconsciously snuggled closer to Shadow while his eyes opened. A sharp glare was sent as red eyes met blue, both not daring to look the other way. After a while a smug smirk made it's way onto the shadow being's face as he held you to his person. Under direct orders from his master he was your personal guard, whether it be a sign of weakness or the fact that Vaati suspected Link to show up didn't matter. He liked being able to be this close to you and your person. It was nice to have someone to share body warmth with and all but this also allowed him better access into your mind. Though you limited what he would see.
Just seeing the hero's glare intensify made him even more amused, of course he knew of his so called original's feelings for you. After all his didn't differ much from his. Link pulled out his sword but stopped when Shadow began to chuckle quietly. "Would you honestly risk this girl's life in order to land a hit on me?~" He asked smugly. "After all, we both know that when it comes to precision you have a long ways to go."
It was true, over time he had gotten rusty while Shadow had gone through training day by day.
With a scowl Link looked off to the side before leaving, but one thing was certain.

He would return, and when he does he will be taking you back with him.

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