I'm not good

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Zelda glared at the person in front of her. "Long time no see, Vaati so tell me," She rested her head in her hand. "Just what makes you think you'll easily take my kingdom? Have you forgotten someone?" Anyone could have guessed who she was hinting at, this one seemed to amuse them though. "Lady if your little boy toy was going to help you don't you think he would have came to save the day before we destroyed the town?" Shadow said with a smirk, it was clear that if their hero cared or knew of what was going on he would have been there by now at the latest. 

"So what shall it be, princess?~" Vaati asked with a grin.


Now I'm sure the fangirls are asking, just where is Link? Well the thing is, he wasn't even in Hyrule while this was happening. He was out in the woods, trying short out what he would do now. He could go back to Hyrule and continue to be the princess's lap dog, or he could try to catch up to you. After all you had put this notion in his head where he thinks you really do care for him. The way he does for you. Idiotic right? Was he so blind to see that it was all an act? Or did he turn a blind eye to it, focusing on what little good you have done in the past? Did he know all this time, just feigning ignorance or did he really not know? 

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