I'm not good

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It was time for the festival to begin, and the princess insisted that you were to tag along with her. You didn't argue though, this would give you a front row seat to the heart breaking moment between the hero and the princess. The two of you played some games, just passing the time while waiting for Link to show up. It didn't take long for Zelda to start worrying about where he was, but he arrived soon after her fears started to show themselves. "Hey (Name), didn't think that you'd be here." Link said while walking up to the two of you. Grinning like a fool before pulling you into a hug. Yes, you've even managed to trick the notorious hero of time to fall for your act.

"Well it is the last festival I'll be attending, so why pass up the opportunity? " The two stared at you confusion showing on their faces. "Wait-(Name) you're leaving Hyrule?!" The two exclaimed while you just nodded. "(Name) Why would you want to leave Hyrule?" Link asked, depression already showing. "Well the thing is, this place isn't for me. I didn't tell you guys before because I didn't want to make you feel bitter during the time of celebration. " You said. They didn't press more on the subject so the three of you ran off, playing games and having as much fun that they could.

While Zelda had ran off somewhere you and Link decided to go get a cold ice-cream, of course he insisted on paying for them though. Leaving you to sit off to the side and think. You knew that the break up would happen, but not the time. Which irked you, you were never the patient type and you would like to be sure to get a good view but stay out of the rebound zone. It would not be wise to be near a rage ridden princess and the hero. Before you could think on the matter Link had came back with your ice-cream, smiling as brightly as ever. "Hey what's on your mind (Name)?" He asked and took a seat next to you, trying some of his treat. You looked at him from the corner of your eye with a small fake smile. After all you had to keep up your act for just a while now. "I was just thinking about how dull the next few months of travel are going to be, I plan on moving from different kingdoms until I feel that I have found my perfect home." It was partly true.You didn't plan on staying in the just any kingdom, but the thing is-you planed on moving into the forest. It was far away from Hyrule and was inhabited by some interesting characters.

At the mention of you leaving his smile instantly went to a frown, he disliked that you were planning on leaving the kingdom. But even more that you were leaving him, over the time that you had spent in Hyrule he had grown found of you. But he never told you because, well he was taken, but he was going to change that today. He scooted closer to you, making you look up at him curiously. Just what was he planning? You thought, you (e/c) eyes showing your curiosity, while he just smiled sadly at you. "I'm going to miss you, you know. We all are, ....some more than others..." He said , his sad tone would have made almost any girl want to console him. Almost any. You plastered on a sad expression and lowered your head, making it seem like you didn't want to hear it. That this news actually made you depressed, that it would change anything. "Link I...I'm going to miss all of you guys as well..."

"So why leave in the first place?" He asked, taking your face in his hands.Gently placing both hands on either cheek. "You can stay here, and not have to go through it..." You held back a smirk, so it seems that he chose you? Interesting. You kept your sad expression in place, looking over to the right with a sigh. "I already told you, this place...as great as it is...I just don't feel like I belong here." "Don't..." He Interrupted."Don't say that, of course you belong here!" Even as hard as he wielded his face to not show it, you could tell just by the look in his eyes that he felt hurt by your statement."Don't even think that you don't, I can't think of anyone else besides you that would fit in with everyone in Hyrule! And...

I don't think that life here would be as bright without you here..."

As soon as he said that you knew what he was planing to do. Closing his eyes, he leaned in to kiss you. You knew that you couldn't get out of his grip, so you decided to allow him this one luxury. But just stayed still, as if this news shocked you, as if you didn't how to respond. He pulled back, smiling slightly at you, tears threatened to pour. "So please don't leave..." Before you could even respond someone just so happened to have an outburst.

"Link, how could you!?"

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