I'm not good

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It was just as sunny out as it was last few days of your travel, honestly you were more than glad that you wore your robe. It kept you from getting burned and made it so you wouldn't have the annoying rays of the sun in your face. It wouldn't be much longer until you reach the forest, so you decided to give the horse a break and rest for a bit. Giving you time to work on your magic. You had learned a while back that when it comes down to elemental magic you worked best with both fire and shadows. So picking up one of your books you began to leaf through the pages, wondering which one to use first.
You noticed a spell that was rather interesting, it would allow you to trick them into seeing something that is not there. A useful little spell it was, but there was no one to try it on. You thought as you looked through the area, you were still a day or two of travel away from any creature that would purpose as a threat to you. With a sigh you chose to go look around the area to see just what was around your camping area. But you didn't expect to see anyone or anything.

You made sure to have your book and daggers with you as you went into the darker part of the forest, thinking that you would only find animals.But not a familiar figure standing in front of you. He resembled Link, but you guessed a more darker version. He wore all black, had red eyes, and even had a rather malicious aura about him. You scanned his person, check for weapons before either he would notice you or when you chose to make yourself known. He had a sword, a replica of your "friend's" by the looks of it, and seemed to be able to manipulate shadows much like yourself. As if he was part of them. Oh what an interesting little creature you have stumbled upon.~ You wanted to test a theory, about him being a shadow himself, and what better way to do it than surprising him?~ You smirked to yourself, closing your (e/c) orbs you focused on your magic. You heard the male grunt in annoyance, detecting a slight amount of confusion in it as well. You opened your eyes, your smirk widening by the second. Looks like you were right, he is a shadow morphed into Link's image. "Come out coward, and maybe I'll go easy on you!" He called out in anger as he tried to move, obviously failing to do so. You giggled at his actions, just loud enough for him to hear you, as you pulled your hood of your robe over your face. "A coward am I?" You said in a teasing manner as you entered his line of sight. "Why I just wanted to see if my little spells needed to be refurbished. And what better way to do so than to test it on a living, breathing, target?~" You couldn't help but give another giggle as he glared at you, still helplessly trying to get out of your spell. "Well why don't you let me go now that you've 'tested' them?" He suggested with a slight growl, most likely planning to harm you. "And why would I do that? I don't plan on being in a fight with something so weak that they can't even get out of this simple spell of mine," You yawned. "it would be a waste of time and energy." You said boredom clearly shown. "So if that's it, then what do you want? I have things to do, people to kill, villages to burn..." He trailed on. "I am curious as to why you resemble Link." You said flatly, not going to beat around the bush, there was no need to. "Why would you like to know? Is the guy a buddy of yours?" he decided to answer your question with one of his own. Though they only seemed to make you laugh. I mean come on you and the heroFriends? It couldn't be anymore humorous than the thought of being in a romantic relationship with him!"Oh trust me, he is no friend of mine. Just an old toy.~" 

He raised a brow at your choice of words. "And what do you mean by that statement?" Your smirk turned into a grin. "I mean, I care not for him, and had once manipulated the so called hero." You chuckled. "He even thought that he had a chance at being in any from of romantic relation with me.~"  He stared at you disbelievingly, having hear that the hero wouldn't be easy to trick let alone manipulate. "impossible, i refuse to believe you." He said, but you couldn't care less. "believe what you will, little shadow, but I must be going. Enjoy your chaos while it lasts.~" You said as you began to walk back to your campsite. "Hold it! You're not going anywhere until you've fucking released me you witch!" He yelled, only making you laugh as you left the area. The spell would release on it's own once you were at your site, far enough to where he would be able to know where you were unless he actually looked for you. By the time you had gotten back it was already close to dark, so after you whipped up a meal you rested. Your mind filled of this new being you've met that day. 

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