I'm not good

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You looked over to the minish, a smirk of your own adorning your face, as you pushed aside those memories. The past can and will forever stay in the past. "Of course, now why don't we get started?" You said while holding your book in one hand. Vaati was pleased with how eager you were, while pulling out his own book, his face gained a blank look. Showing no emotions. "Fare warning, I won't hold back my dear." "Good, I rather not have this fight be handed to me.~" And with that the two of you began to glow, Vaati surrounded by a dark purple glow while yours was a shade of gray.

"Let's get this over with"

As those words left his mouth a ball made entirely of fire was sent his way as he sent a gust of wind to extinguish it. "You're kidding me, that all you learned?!" He mocked as he sent a wave of his magic your way, you did what you could do with the limited space and dogged. But this had made the distance between the two of you shorten.

"Now use crystal manipulation." You smirked as you heard his command. With a few flicks of the wrist a storm of crystal shards was sent at him. He dogged most but one that cut his cheek, ignoring this he dashed towards you, building up a large amount of raw magic in his hand as he did so. Your eyes widened as you moved to get out of the way, but that couldn't stop him from hitting your arm. You bit your cheek while holding back a scream of pain, there is no way you would allow him to get away with that. You still have other types of magic you needed to be tested on.


Vaati said with a slight yawn, mocking boredom, but in reality this fight couldn't be more amusing. He was right about that raw power he felt when he first saw you. You learned those spells faster than he anticipated. You glared at him with smirk on your lips, muttering a few words you started to transform. Only to leave his sight.

Now he never told you what transformation to do, you had turned into something in plain sight, but also something he wouldn't suspect.

His own shadow.

After studying Shadow's form for a week or so you realized that he wasn't a shadow but a copy of it. You had spent your time perfecting a spell to make yourself an exact copy of a person's shadow, the only down side was that you could only stay this way for twenty minutes at most.

Vaati couldn't help but smile at your success. "Alright (Name) you passed, you need to work on using more than one element at a time though." He said while you returned to yourself. Flicking a strand of hair out of your line of sight you returned his smile. But what you didn't expect was for him to pin you to the floor. "But don't let your guard down my sweet girl. Now you deserve a reward for learning those spells.~" You opened your mouth, wishing to question him, but was caught off guard once more. He kissed you.

Vaati, was kissing you.

The person who your thought you could observe like everyone else, able to predict his next move. Did something unexpected.

As he pulled away he smirked, seeing a faint blush on your face. He leaned to your ear. "Those who succeed get rewards my dear, but those who fail get punished.~" He coed as he got up, offering you a hand.

Blushing faintly you accepted the offering, as questions began to fill your mind.

Just how well do you actually know of the wind sorcerer?

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