I'm not good

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"To be with you of course!" He said with a bright smile. "After some thinking,  I realized that it might be years til I see you again. So I thought 'why not join you' that way we can stay together!." You shook your head, just why did he have to show up? You preferred his other half, at least he wasn't so optimistic. "Link I cannot allow you to follow me." You said in a stern tone while trying to get out of his embrace. The look on his face was priceless, shock, confusion, with just a hint of sadness mixing together. "Why not (Name)? I thought you shared my feelings..." You shook your head. 
"Link, if anything I feel pity for you. You live in a kingdom filled with idiots, you have to deal with that so called princess all the time, and you have feelings for me. Do you honestly think that because you have romantic feelings for me I'd share them, because I don't." You decided to let him see part of the true you, you just couldn't stand to have him following you like a love sick pup. 
He just smiled, like none of those words effected him. Before he started to laugh. "Good one (Name), you really had me there for a second!" You shook your head, why out of all the people that fall you it had to be a thick headed hero? ((Because the author decided to have some fun!))
"I'm not joking, go." You said before closing the door and locking it. Soon enough Link began to pound on it, demanding that you open up so you both can talk.


Vaati had left his horse near the beginning of the woods, seeing no need for it. It wasn't long until he could hear someone yelling. "Not this fool..." He muttered under his breath, he knew that voice. The very own "hero of Hyrule", once he was near he spotted said boy in front of a house. Just what is in there? Vaati thought, he took off his hat, turning into his rightful size and got past the boy and into the house. It looked comfortable, warm, everything looked normal. That was until he spotted a girl. One the outside she may look normal: (h/c) hair, (e/c) eye, (s/t) skin. But he could feel the magic that surrounds her, the malicious aura she holds. It brought a smirk to his face, she would make a wonderful Allie to one such as him. "Just what do you think you're doing here, minish?" Vaati looked up to see the girl looking at him with a bored look. With a chuckle he put back on his hat, regaining the normal size of a human. 
"I'm here to offer you a deal of sorts, I can give you anything you want.  Money, power, respect, you name it you can have. But with a price, " He answered, while you looked at him curiously. "Go on." You ordered. "You'll have to work for me in return. After all nothing in this world is free." He walked a bit closer to you, his hand out for you to take. "True as your words are, I don't want anything." You said, looking straight at him. 
"(Name), whose in there!? Open up already!" You sighed, glaring at the door. Vaati smirked, he had almost forgotten about the green clad boy outside. "A lover of yours?" You chuckled at his question."Not even close, but he seems to think so." You said, mirth showing in your tone of voice. Causing the sorcerer to look at you curiously. "Really now? Most girls would love for a 'hero' to love them." "Well I'm not most girls. " You sat back down in your chair, taking a sip of your tea. 
Link was worried now, you refused to open the door and now he was beginning to hear another voice inside. He looked through the window, shocked to see just who you were conversing with. Vaati the wind sorcerer,  one of his greatest enemies. "(Name) get away from him!" He demanded but his orders went ignored. Why won't you listen to me!? He thought. 
"So (Name) was it? Even though you wish for nothing I still want you, what I want I get. So you can come willingly or not." Vaati said crouched next to your chair. You looked at him from the side of your eye, weighing your options. "I'll come, but under a few conditions. " You said after a while. "Name them my dear.~" He said with a smirk. "You are to teach me in magic. And don't expect me to weigh on you hand and foot." You said while picking up your book, standing up once again. "Deal?" You offered your hand to him. "Deal." He took you hand, pulling you closer to him with his smirk growing as the two of you vanished from the house.

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