I'm not good

379 11 16


The princess stormed up to the two of you, her face ridden with rage and betrayal. "Link why? I thought...I thought-" "That our relationship was perfect? " Link said, wiping a few tears from his face before looking at the teenage girl. "The thing is Zelda, I don't think that it was. After all we hardly spent any time together, let alone do anything romantic.-" "That gives you no right to go behind my back and kiss this, this bitch!" She yelled, obviously pinning her rage on both of you. So you decided to watch this play out. You lowered your head, allowing a fake tear or two to slide down your face, playing the victim since she was viewed as a friend of yours to others. "(Name) is not the bitch here, princess. Here we all thought that you two were so close, best friends. But it seems that not even you are as perfect as you say you are." He wrapped his arms around you in order to comfort you. "I was planning on telling you earlier, but I didn't want (Name) to be there. Because I knew that you would blame just about anyone else but yourself, even someone fragile and innocent like her." Wow he really thinks that of me, he really has it off. You thought while burying your face in his chest, making it look like you were seeking and accepting his comfort.

"Link listen-" "No I'm not going to listen to whatever else you have to say, it's bad enough that you've made a scene but also making this poor girl cry. It's repulsive. " He spat, while wiping your 'tears' away and you looked back at her. "Zelda p-pleas believe me, I-i never meant for this to happen to you. I....I didn't know..." To those who were watching, it looked like what you planned it to be. That the princess was showing her cruel nature to a friend. Everyone in Hyrule had thought you two were the best of friends, inseparable by anything. But now they had second guesses.

Zelda glared at you, but it didn't last long. After all, how could she stay mad at her 'best friend'? She looked off to the side, depression and regret written on her face. "I..." She couldn't finish her sentence,  she knew she went too far. But pride is a very common sin in humans. She turned around and practically dashed off without another word.

You heaved a sigh, and looked down."I wish things hadn't gone like that." Link said, still holding onto you."I know you didn't mean to... I just wish that this wouldn't be her last memory of me..." You trailed off, but in reality you didn't care what she thought of you. "You're still going to leave, huh?" He said with disappointment in his voice. "Link, as much as I want to stay here..I wouldn't be able to live with myself, I hurt my best friend. And I rather not have to go through everyday having to see her always angered towards me." You said while standing. "(Name), will you at least allow me to see you off tomorrow?  I-i'd like to see you at least one more time..before you go." He asked, tears starting to reform in his clear blue eyes. You knelt down in front of him, a sad smile plastered on your face."Hey, don't start crying. I'm sure that we'll see each other again." You said in a comforting tone of voice, bringing your hand to his face to wipe away the tears.  He held your hand to his face, his eyes closed while he sighed.

The two of you stayed quiet for a while before you both left the area. Your excuse being to finish packing your things, as much as he tried to convince you to let him help you out you finally got him to go home. Once you closed the door you smirked, your (e/c) eyes showing the mirth and glee you kept hidden. "How could they be so stupid!" You said between laughs. Wiping a few mirth filled tear you sighed happily,  you walked further into your home. Going to your room and going into your closet, hidden behind everything was a door. The door lead to where you hid some rather important things. You grabbed a bag and entered. Weapons:  spell books, potions,  a bow an arrow,  a quiver of arrows, and a few daggers.  You smiled slightly and began to pack away a few of the books and a few of your daggers. These were the last items you needed to get ready for the next day, you didn't have many things besides a few changes of clothes, food, and these little beauties you were ready to go.


It was dawn, the sun shining brightly, birds chirping, everything looking peaceful. It made you nauseated. All of you belongings were packed away onto your horse's saddle, as mentioned before you didn't have many items you had to keep. You wore a (f/c) and gray robe over your shorts and tank top, the reason why you chose to wear the robe is so your daggers you had strapped on wouldn't show. You held a book in one hand and reins in the other. You checked everything before nodding to yourself,  everything was ready to go.  The hero should be showing up in 3,2,1 "(Name)!" Ah, right on time. You turned around, a blank look on your face."Hey sorry I'm a bit late, Zelda tried to talk to me earlier. " Link said while he made his way to you, anyone could tell by first glance that he was depressed about this situation. "No, it's fine. I'm just glad that you showed up, I was just about to head off." You said with a small smile, you made sure to make it look like you were at least a little upset with leaving. 
He hugged you tightly, as if to keep you close to him."Promise that we'll see each other again...please" He requested of you. While you stood motionless, your (h/c) covering your eyes. "(Name)?" "You're asking something that might not happen for quite a while Link..." You said,  sounding depressed but on the inside you were holding back a chuckle.  He really thinks that I'm going to wait for him, cute. You thought. "Just...just promise me this....please (name)." His grip on you tightened. "I...I promise that one day that we'll see each other again..." You said while stroking his blonde hair.
Heaving a sigh he slowly let you go, allowing you to move. "I'm not saying goodbye,  so see you later (Name)." He said while you climbed onto your horse. "Yeah..see ya." You said before taking off, as the kingdom of Hyrule grew smaller and smaller you began to smile. A chuckle erupting from you. Free, finally free and to look for your new target.

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