I'm not good

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Hyrule has fallen to Vaati and his minions, and Link was no where to be seen. The few people who haven't been killed were all hoping for their hero to show soon, what they didn't know was that he wasn't anywhere near Hyrule by now. He had gone off to search for (Name), he just couldn't let his feelings for her diminish to nothing. He truly adored you, even though there was little to no you actually felt the same. He had kept his eye on you since the day you had both met, and he had came to know the real you.
At first it shocked him, but for some reason he couldn't find it in himself to report you to the princess. Link turned a blind eye to it, letting you think you weren't evil or cruel. Part of his kind had convinced him to forget about that side of you, focusing on the "good side". His subconscious had rewritten his memory of when he found out. But a small part of him knew, knew that you didn't love him. But a part of him hoped that you meant what you said.


Vaati sighed to himself, it has been a week or so but he grew bored, everything was too quiet in this kingdom. Sure he could have anything he wanted, but he did know just what he wanted. "You." He pointed a servant. "Ready a horse." With a nod the person hurried as Vaati made his way to the courtyard at a leisurely pace. Why not explore the land? He thought, after all with the woods not too far from Hyrule he could look around and plan on what to do next if anything interesting shows. "Shadow, made sure they don't rebel." He said while passing the entity.

Shadow responded with a nod, honestly it wasn't hard. If anyone tries he has all right to be rid of them. He sat over at a window over looking the courtyard and a bit of the town. Ever since he left the forest he just felt off...Maybe he just had to leave this place? A change of pace perhaps? But master will have to get back before I can...Shadow thought annoyance showing in his eyes. Sometimes he hated the "purple skinned freak"...


You found a place to build a home in the woods, and with the help of your magic it was done before you knew it. You sat in a chair with a cup of tea nearby, a book in hand. It was nice, in your opinion, being away from those fools in Hyrule. 
"(Name)!" Spoke too soon. With a glare you walked to the window to see a green clad teen getting closer to the house. God da-, he's seen the horse.  "(Name)!" He hurried to the door and pounded on it. How did he find me? You thought while walking to the door. "Link, what a surprise. " You said with a fake smile, while he hugged you tightly. "I missed you...."

"Now, why are you here, hero?"

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