Ending 2 out of 3

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-Vaatis' ending-

You were just about to exit the palace when you were pushed against a wall. Vaati glared at you while you were void of emotion, you couldn't risk letting him know you care. "Just where do you think you're going? " He asked, irritation shown clearly in his tone of voice as you started to try to gt out of his hold. "I have no need to be here, I owe you nothing therefore I am not obligated to stay here." You said, making sure that your voice did not waver, but truth is you didn't want to leave. You had actually come to like it here, you just couldn't risk having your caretakers coming in here and forcing your powers to get out of control again.

The minish smirked. "That may be true, but as much as you would deny it, you love it here.~" He chuckled. "It's a waste of time to lie to me,  you're an open book my dear." You couldn't help but sneer at that comment. "Don't go and assume things, besides I have somewhere I need to be. So if you would get out of my personal space, that would be lovely.~" You said, voice laced with venom, your (e/c) orbs glared into red. This only seemed to further amuse the minish as he brought his face closer to yours, your face heating up as he did so. "And let a beauty like yourself leave? Why would I do that?~" You were about to retort when he caught you off guard.

For the second time,  he kissed you. After a while you relaxed and kissed back.

Maybe staying here wouldn't be too bad....

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